forty nine

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I woke up, damning the sunlight that shone through the window. I didn't want to get out of bed, and thankfully I didn't have to because I had nothing to do today. But when I rolled over, pulling my covers further over my shoulder and readying myself for more sleep, my eyes caught the shine of metal sitting on my bedside table. I stared for a moment, recognizing the familiar object, but confused why it was in my bedroom.

I reached out and took the cold metal in my hand, holding it over my face as I laid flat on my back. The watch was shiny and clean, and the covering over the analog clock had been fixed, as the last time I had seen it in Tony's bedroom it was shattered to pieces. My fingers traced the beautiful watch, and on the back of it, I felt a soft indention of words. I flipped it over, and in beautiful cursive letters indented on the watch were the words,

i love you, forever -t

I held the watch to my heart, the cold of the metal sending goosebumps over my skin. I smiled.

I love him.


I headed over to Liam's house without bothering to give him a heads up that I was coming. I figured that I didn't have to as we both often just showed up to the others house unannounced, but when I knocked on the front door of his apartment and he answered, I could read the expression on his face that told me now wasn't really the best time.

"Oh, Freya," he answered, his head peeping through the crack in the door. "What's up?"

"Can we talk?" I ask him, nervous because I knew where this conversation was heading. My fingers mess with the watch that wraps around my wrist, anything to calm my nerves. "It's serious."

"Nows not really the best time..." He begins. I notice him glancing over his shoulder as he trails off, like someone was behind him.

"It will only take a few minutes, I promise," I say to him, inviting myself into his home without an invitation. He steps aside as I walk past him.

"What's so serious you need to come here unannounced?" He questions, a slight frown on his mouth. Spontaneity never bothered him until now, so I wondered what his deal was, frowning back.

"Look, I don't know how to say, but-"

I always thought that if I ever were to get cheated on, my heart would be torn in two, my world would crash around me. I thought I would scream, cry, maybe even barf; give any normal human emotion that any other person would give in that situation. But when I saw a beautiful blonde woman step out of Liam's bedroom, calling for him to come back to bed, wearing nothing but one of his over-sized band tee's and smeared lipstick, I did absolutely nothing.

"Fuck," is all Liam could say, running a hand over his face. He didn't even try to deny anything, as there was no point. There was no denying the half naked woman that had came from his bedroom.

The woman darted straight back into Liam's room as soon as she had assessed the situation. Liam looked like he wanted to run and hide with her from the way his cheeks blushed, the way he hung his head in shame.

"I should be mad...?" I say, only it comes out as more of a question.

"You have every right to be," Liam mutters. "Fucking shit. I-I... I don't know what to say."

Neither of us really knew what to say. We still stand in the living room, Liam ashamed, and me standing their awkwardly with one of my ankles crossed over the other. I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"Well, before we were interrupted..." I begin. "I came over here to tell you that I think we should break up. You and me just isn't working."

He looks awfully confused.

"Is there something I did? You know, besides what just happened," he asks, a sheepish blush on his cheeks.

"It's nothing you did," I tell him, not bringing up the fact he cheated, as I was already planning on breaking up with him before I even witnessed it. "I just love someone else, and I can't keep pretending that I don't."

He nods his head, not seeming mad. He didn't even seem surprised.

"It's Tony, isn't it?" He questions. I simply nod.

"I figured," he continues, running a hand though his hair. "I saw the way he looks at you, the way he's so quick to protect you..."

"Yeah," is all I can seem to say. "I used to love him back, and I thought I was over him, but I came to the realization that I'm not."

He steps a bit closer to me, leaning down a bit so he could speak into my ear.

"That girl in there," he says into my ear, softly so she couldn't hear him even if she may have been listening through the door. "That's Caroline... my ex-girlfriend. We dated all through college. She broke up with me a year back after graduation because we were going to different universities. But she came back into town the other day and I guess I came to the realization that I'm not over her either."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we both used each other to distract us from the people we truly loved," I say, managing a small smile.

He nods softly in agreement.

Despite the situation, I wrap my arms around Liam's torso, surprising him with a hug.

"You were a good distraction," I tell him in the most sincere way possible.

I feel his chest vibrate with laughter as my head pressed against him, and he wraps his arms around me too.

"So were you."

He pulls away first, his hands grabbing my shoulders as he stares down at me with big brown eyes.

"Now," he begins, a dimpled smile coming to his lips. "Go get your person, yeah?"


I waited outside the Stonem's front door, having just knocked, chewing on my finger nail. The door opens a few seconds later.

"Is Tony in?" I ask as soon as I see Effy, who looks awfully pleased to see me, a genuine smile on her lips unlike the tilted smirk she normally wore.

"You got the watch," she notes, eyeing my wrist. She steps aside, allowing me to step inside her home. I head upstairs before Effy even tells me to.

I pound my fist against Tony Stonem's bedroom door.

When it opens, my eyes land on his and his on mine. He doesn't get the chance to speak because I open my mouth first.

"I love you too."

And as soon as the word's leave my mouth, in one swift motion he scoops me into his arms and his lips fall onto mine. He was holding me so close that every inch of our body connected. I felt his hand on my throat, the back of my head, the side of my face. My fingers clutched his t-shirt in a fist, pulling him closer, but close wasn't close enough.

"Freya," he murmurs against my lips and my own name has never sounded so beautiful.

We kissed for so long, making up for lost time.

an; fony is back baby :)

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