forty eight

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My mind was dizzy, full of indecisiveness and thoughts I couldn't repress.

I ran a comb through Mini's hair, helping her detangle her curled knots before she headed out for school. She scarfed down a bowl of cereal, occasionally spilling milk due to the force I used to pull the comb through the tangled mess on her head.
Good thing her scalp wasn't tender, because I wasn't paying attention to the force I used as my mind was clouded by other things.

There were three things I was certain about. First, Tony loved me. Second, I used to love Tony, and there was a part of me-that I couldn't seem to repress- that will always love him back. And third, I had a boyfriend, Liam, who I realized I have truly begun to care for.

"You're good to go, Min's," I tell her when I finish, giving her back her comb that now had collected long strings of hair. She doesn't have time to put the comb away or clean her dishes, she's running late for school. She leaves them on the kitchen table before grabbing her backpack, swinging it over her shoulder and running out the front door.

I put the dirty dishes in the sink, running them under hot water to rid of the milk and left over over soggy Cheerios. I don't feel like cleaning them so I leave them be for now. I put Mini's comb in my mums room, where I'm sure she stole it from.

I can hear my cellphone ring, vibrating against the kitchen table. I let it ring, but I just stare at the name of the person who calls. Tony. He's called 39 times, and had texted 141. I haven't answered him once.

"Is she gone?" Liam calls to me, peaking his head around the corner into the kitchen. His shirts on now, having been off all last night. I snuck him in around 2 in the morning, so now that both Mini and my mum have left, he was free to come out of hiding in my room.

"Yeah," I tell him, letting him kiss me on the cheek as he walks by me. "Are you hungry?"

"Nah. I've gotta get going," he answers. "I'm supposed to meeting a friend soon."

"What friend?" I find myself asking out of curiosity as I dig through the cabinets, looking for something to eat.

"Just a friend whose come back in town for a few days," he tells me, slipping in his tennis shoes he had brought down from my room with him. "I haven't seen them in a while so they want to meet for coffee."

"Okay," I respond, deciding on a banana to eat. I wasn't too hungry anyway.

I walk him to the front door, my banana in hand.

"See ya," I tell him as I open the door.

"Bye, babe," he calls me, planting a kiss on my lips before leaving. I'm all alone now in my empty house. I eat my banana in silence, ignoring my cell phone as it rings again.


A few hours later, between ignoring Tony's calls, Sid Jenkins caller ID pops up on my phone. I answer it and I can hear him let out a sigh of relief through the speaker.

"Oh thank god," he says to me. "I need your help."

"With?" I question. It was an odd occurrence for Sid to call me out of the blue. We only ever really talked during group outings, so it was quite weird he was calling. It must be urgent then.

"Fucking Effy's locked me in her bedroom and I can't leave until I've finished her art project," he sulks. "Can you come help me with it?"

"What makes you think I can do art?" I ask him. I don't think I have a creative bone in my body, evident from the poor paint job I had done while making props for the college musical.

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