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"All right, where were we then?"

Jal asks as she hangs up her phone after a call with Michelle. The question hangs in the air between the four boys sat in front of us. Maxxie, Chris, Sid and Tony sat squished on a black leather couch, as Jal and I sat side by side on two chairs across from them. We were at Jal's fathers club, but Jal and I were using it tonight as a place to let the boys air out their grievances.

None of the boys answer Jal's question, so I try to help her, summarizing their problems.

"Maxxie," I begin. "You say Anwar's acting weird."

"Totally man," Maxxie tells Jal and I. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was fucking someone secretly."

"No way," Tony is quick to say.

"Yeah-that's not possible," Maxxie agrees.

I turn my focus to Sid.

"And you went to Scotland to see Cassie, she wasn't there, and you think she's off shagging some Scottish guy name Lachlann?"

"And my dads dead," Sid reminds me meekly.

"Bummer," Maxxie sends his condolences.

"Sorry about that," Tony tells him.

"And you," I begin, looking to Tony who looks right back at me. "Michelle's upset with you-"

"Because my willy's gone wonky," Tony thankfully finishes for me. Now that Tony was done with Abigail, it seemed like him and Michelle were trying to start back their relationship. Or it seemed that way, when Tony had confessed at our makeshift counseling session that Michelle had came by his house earlier this morning and attempted to jump his bones. I thought I'd be hurt upon hearing this confession from Tony, but honestly, I couldn't care less. Ever since Liam and I's eventful date two weeks ago, we had been seeing each other nearly everyday since, and things with him were going amazing. So amazing that the thought of Tony and Michelle no longer made my blood boil.

"Okay," I say, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I turned my attention to Chris, who sat quietly beside Sid, holding a pint above his head and watching it with fascination. "Chris? Have anything to offer?"

"Bubbles..." He begins quietly, watching the carbonation in his drink. "They go up, then up, then up, then... boom. Disappear."

We all stare at the odd boy.

"Thank you for sharing Chris," Jal speaks up beside me, sarcasm dripping off her voice. "Not what we had in mind, but, that will do."

"Sid," I call to the boy. "Have you tried to get in contact with Cassie? Ask her what the deal is?"

"I've tried," he tells me. "But she never answers her calls. It's near impossible to get in contact with her."

That was true, very true. I still talked to Cassie every now and then, but not nearly as much as I would like to. When Cassie moved to Scotland on her quest for happiness and self love, she thought the best way to start her journey was by tossing out all forms of technology, to become one with nature or some shit like that. Therefore, the only way to get in contact with her was by writing an old fashioned letter. Sometimes though, she visited a friends house where she borrowed their computer to video chat, but that didn't happen very often.

"Right," I agree with him. "That makes things much more difficult."

More pints are placed down on the table that stands between the two couches we sit on, courtesy from the bar's waitress. The boys all grab their pints, as Chris mercilessly flirts with the beautiful dark haired waitress that served as, while we all watch as he fails miserably and digs himself into a deep hole he surely won't be able to get out of.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket.

Liam Schroeder: You still coming over later?

Freya McGuinness: Wouldn't miss it

"Freya," I hear Jal tease, calling my name in a sing-songy voice. "Who you textin?"

"Liam," I confess, feeling the corners of my lips rise as I say his name. "I'm supposed to be going over to his place soon."

"Freya, you dirty girl!" Chris exclaims. "You know what that means!"

My smile immediately falls. "Um... no?"

Chris and Maxxie share a funny look, like there was some inside joke I don't know about, before turning to me and bursting out in laughter.

"I don't understand," I tell them, genuinely confused.

Chris shakes his head, fighting the smile that's still on his lips as he takes a sip from his pint. "You're so innocent it makes my balls ache-"

"Freya," Maxxie cuts off Chris' inappropriate comment. "Were talking about sex. He's totally gonna try and shag you tonight."

I nearly choke on my own saliva.

"No," I protest in defense. "It's not like that. We haven't even kissed yet."

"Why else would he invite you to his place, then?" Tony speaks up, but he's not laughing like the others. He looks at me with a stern face. "He's got his own place. He invited you over to get you alone, possibly get you drunk, and because you're too scared to say no-"

"Woah," I cut Tony off before he can even finish that sentence. "How did you turn this into me possibly getting date raped?"

He shrugs, taking a sip of his drink. "It happens."

"Leave her alone, guys," Jal defends me from the foolish boys. She addresses me, "they're just messing with you."

"I'm not," Chris projects. "Freya McGuinness is getting her cherry popped tonight!" 

Chris and Maxxie laugh amongst themselves, drunk off all the beer they had drank, and make grotesque sexual innuendos with their hands and fingers. Even Sid and Jal find themselves cracking smiles at the boys teasing, but not Tony. He looks at me with a tense jaw. I hang my head, suddenly terrified for what tonight might entail.


short chapter, next one will be longer :)

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