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Tonight, Jal's dad was having a record company showcase at his club and she invited me to go along with the rest of her friends. I had no idea her dad was Ronny Fazer, a highly successful musician here in Bristol, but from the way she talked about him, I could tell she couldn't care less about her dad's status. She just told me to come and to dress nice, as it's a pretty dressy event.

Ten minutes before I was supposed to leave with Cassie, she rings my phone.

"I have an appointment with my therapist," she says. "You're gonna have to go without me and I'll stop by later if I can."

My heart pounds in my chest at the thought of having to show up by myself. "I'll just wait for you, Cas. You know I can't go by myself."

"I don't even know if I'l be able to make it yet, Frey. Call up Maxie or someone," she tells me. "Go with them so you're not as anxious."

I hear a posh voice call Cassie's name on the other end of the phone and I recognize the voice to be one of the nurses at the clinic.

"Oh, um, I've gotta go Freya," she says in a hurry. "But call one of the guys, yeah?"

She hangs up the phone and I groan.

I've already done my makeup and fixed my hair up nice, so the thought of staying home and destroying all of  my hard work kills me, but my crippling anxiety about having to show up to the party alone kills me even more. I pop one of my pills and grab my phone.

Freya McGuinness:

He responds almost immediately.

Tony Stonem:

Freya McGuinness:
Are you going to Jal's dads thing tonight?

I ask him even though I already know. Something tells me that he'd tease me for knowing what he was doing.

Tony Stonem:
I never miss a party.

Freya McGuinness:
Well can you and the guys come get me. Cassie can't go anymore and I don't know where it is.

He's typing and I bite my finger nail.

Tony Stonem:
Send me your address


When Tony knocked on my front door, I sprinted out of my room to get to them before my mum could. But unfortunately, as I was running down the stairs she opened the door and was met by five teenage boys.

"Mum, I got it," I tell her calmly. One look at her face and I can tell how royally pissed she is.

"You didn't tell me you were going to this party with boys," she tells me, trying to remain calm in front of them. She says the word "boy" like its a curse.

"Cassie couldn't make it mum," I tell her. "And besides, they're just my friends."

From the way they were looking at me though, it certainly didn't look like they were just my friends. Anwar was practically drooling.

My mom excuses us for a moment and shuts the door.

"You know what I tell you about boys, Freya," she scolds me. "They only want one thing-"

"Yeah yeah, to get in my pants," I finish the sentence having heard it hundreds of times. "These boys are different though mum, they don't see me like that." Even though some of them most definitely do.

My mom lets out a frustrated breath. "Just be careful, Frey. And be smart."

I kiss her on the cheek. "I will mum. Promise. I love you."

She mumbles a "yeah you too" as I slip out the door.

"Sorry about her," I apologize to the boys on my mums behalf. "She's not to fond of the male specimen."

"Yeah," Chris agrees. "If my daughter looked like you I wouldn't like 'em either."

I laugh and Tony smacks Chris on the chest. We all walk down the drive to the main road.

"You do look amazing," Tony tells me.

"Thanks," I say.

I have to turn my head away so he can't tell that I'm blushing.


"Sorry mate. Record companies showcase. Over 21's tonight."

We're all standing outside Jal's dads club trying to get in. But we have to get past the bouncers first.

"Well, I'm 21," Chris says to the bouncer. "We're all 21. Aren't we lads?"

We all nod in agreement.

"Yeah, defiantly." Tony says.

"He's an old one, ain't he," Chris laughs about Tony.

"ID?" The bouncer asks annoyed.

Chris digs into his pocket and pulls one out, handing it to the guy. "There you go. Check it out."

I don't know what's on the ID, but whatever it is can't be convincing.

Chris rubs his top lip. "I know. Takes years off me. But I had to cut it off because, er, it kept getting caught in the girlfriends piercing."

"Anyway," Tony cuts him off before he digs himself into an even deeper hole. "Shall we go in?"

"Yep, might as well," I agree. We all try to walk past the bouncer but he cuts us off and grabs Chris by the collar of his shirt.

"Fuck off before I stick this so far up your arse , your teeth come out your eyeballs. Alright?"

We all go silent.

"Ok," Chris trembles until the man sets him down.

"Look, I just don't want to disappoint my colleague, Dr. Makabi. He's visiting from Senegal." Tony lies.

"Katinga," says Anwar.

"Gotta warn you, he's got some serious voodoo shit going on," Tony tells him.

The bouncer holds up his arm, a cross in one hand and a snake in the other that just came out of nowhere. We all scurry back.

"Like this?" He asks amused.

"Yeah," Tony says, trying to keep himself composed. "Like that. But more subtle."

"Fuck off," the man warns us one more time before Jal steps out of the door behind them.

"It's alright Danny," Jal says. "They can come in with me."

None of us even care about the party anymore. We're all too busy gawking over how good Jal looks.

"Jal?" Anwar asks in disbelief. "Is that you in there?"

Jal flat out ignores him and turns to the bouncer. "My dad'll put them on the guest list, ok?"

She turns and walks back inside and we all hurry in after her.

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