twenty nine

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Red lights flood the thick air of the inside of the Ston Eaton sports club, EDM music pounding in my ears and the stench of sweat and liquor filled my nostrils. Posh private school kids dressed in white and neon with glow sticks wrapped around their necks and wrists littered the halls, drinking from bottles and huffing on cigarettes, swaying their bodies to the bass of the music.

I grimace slightly, feeling Josh's hand fall to the small of my back, leading me further down the dingy hall. Spencer's at the other side of me, sipping a bear someone had tossed him when we'd walked in.

"Where are we going?" I ask Josh, speaking loud over the music.

"Getting you a drink, obviously," he tells me.

"I'm not here to drink and you know that," I fire back. "I'm here for Tony's sister, and I know you know where she is."

Despite what I'd just told him, I'm led to an array of coolers in a room at the end of the hall, flooded in blue light. The coolers are full of ice and carry various types of beer and liquor. I stay back by the door as the boys step into the room.

"I'll tell you what," Josh begins. "You have a beer with us, and we'll tell you where Effy is, yeah?"

I didn't really have any other option as I think about it. For all I know, these fucking psychos could have Effy drugged up and locked in a room with the key in their fucking pockets. Besides, one beer wouldn't hurt, and it would give Tony more time to get here.

"Fine then," I agree to his terms. "One beer."

"Atta girl," Spencer says behind Josh, giving me a lopsided grin. My lips form a thin line.

"Aye, Josh," A voice speaks suddenly from behind, startling me enough to cause me to jump. I turn my head, finding some guy staring at Josh over my shoulder. He nods his head, some unknown signal,  but Josh knows what it means immediately, a small smile growing on his lips.

"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, Freya, I have some business to attend to," he says to me, before turning to Spencer. "Make sure she gets her drink, Spenc."

Spencer send a wink his way as Josh leaves the room, leaving Spencer and I alone.

"The business he's talking about... I'm guessing it has to do with Tony," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

Spencer laughs as he turns his back to me, digging through a cooler of beer. As he does this, I quickly grab my phone, and I pull up Sid's name.

Freya McGuinness: You need to come back now. We might be in big trouble. Please. Tony needs you.

"Obviously," he exclaims to what I had said earlier as I send the message.

I hear a pop as he takes the cap off the bottle of the beer, before turning back to me as I slide my phone into my back pocket. He holds the bottle of beer out in front of him, meaning for me to take it, and I grab it with hesitant fingers.

"So what's the big plan," I find myself casually asking before taking a small sip of beer, anything to get more information out of him. "What's Josh gonna do to Tony?"

Spencer shrugs, drinking his beer as he leans against the wall next to me.

"Just teach him a lesson," Spencer tells me. I spot him shift closer to me out of the corner of my eye, and I feel his shoulder graze mine. 

"Fair enough," I mutter before taking a few swigs of beer. I lick the bitter taste off my top lip, surprised when my taste buds pick up something unusual. It was almost salt like, and if I wasn't so paranoid about this whole situation, I most definitely would have missed it. My top lip definitely wasn't sweating, and beer wasn't supposed to be salty, so I knew there definitely was something else in my drink that he wasn't telling me about.

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