twenty three

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I awoke to the smell of bacon and the sound of a cellphone buzzing against the bedside table. I rolled over with a groan, still groggy from sleep, and my eyes shuttered, willing the sun away. I reached blindly for the cellphone that wouldn't stop ringing, but instead grabbed an ear, and the owner of that ear let out a curse of complaints.

"Bloody hell," they groan softly, still half asleep beside me.

"Hmmm, sorry," I apologize, not realizing what was wrong with the entire situation until seconds had passed.

"Tony!" I cry out. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

He lifts his head from my pillow, his hair messy and his eyes squinting as they adjust to the light that shines through the window. His fingers, the ones that had traced every inch of my body last night, scratch his head as he observed his surroundings.

"Shit," he mutters, letting his head flop back down, burying his face back into the pillow.

"Shit," I repeat him. "Shit, shit, shit... How am I gonna get you out of here without my mum seeing you? She'll kill me!"

"No she won't," he tells me ever so calmly. "Your mums a lovely lady."

I let out a frustrated groan, slipping out from the comforter as Tony seems to fall back asleep. I climb over him, and he makes a "hmph" sound as my knee digs into his back. I don't care though, dropping to the carpet and hurrying to the window.

"You can climb, right?" I ask him. Even if he couldn't, I was gonna make him... so his answer really didn't matter.

"Yeah yeah," he mutters groggily, dosing back off to sleep.

"Well get up then," I tell him as I push open the window. I peeked my head out of it, looking down at the concrete below. It wasn't that far a fall. The worst that could happen is he sprains an ankle. "Mini will be coming to wake me up for breakfast any minute-"

As if on cue, I hear her little but loud feet padding up the stairs. I run to my door, flipping the lock to give me more time to get the teenage boy out of my bed and out of my house.

"You need to leave," I tell him. The doorknob jiggles as Mini tries to open it, calling for me. "Like, now."

With a defeated sigh, he rolls out of bed. He puts his shoes on, taking his sweet time tying them.

"Freya, open up!" Mini calls, continuing to turn the doorknob back and forth an annoying amount of times.

"Hold on, Min's!" I call back. "I'm... naked!"

"Ew," Mini mutters from the other side of the door. "Well hurry up! Your eggs are getting cold!"

Tony stands to his feet, and I grab him by the sleeve of his shirt and drag him towards the window. He swings his leg over the sill, half his body out the window.

"Well this has been fun," he tells me with his infamous smirk.

"Yeah yeah," I usher him. "Try not to break your leg on the way down."

He smiles at my comment.

"Don't I get a kiss for good luck?" He says with a gleam in his blue eyes. "You know, so I won't fall and hurt myself?"

I'll kiss him all he wants if it means saving myself from the wrath of my mom.

With the roll of my eyes, I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him towards me, our lips connecting in a quick kiss. Im the first one to pull away but he drags me back, one of his arms slipping around my waist while his other hand rests on the back of my head. My hands coddle his face, and his lips take my bottom one, kissing me softly.

His tongue traces mine when Mini bangs on the door again.

"How long does it take you to change, geez!" She calls.

I pull my mouth from his.

"You really need to go now," I tell him, stepping back and out of his embrace.

"See you later, McGuinness," he tells me, before disappearing out the window.


When breakfast is over, I help Mini with the dishes as my mom runs to do errands around town. As I scrub bacon grease off a spatula, Mini asks me,

"Did Tony stay the night last night?"

My breath catches in my throat.

"No," I lie. "Why would you think that?"

She puts forks and knives away into the drawer, shrugging her thin shoulders.

"I stayed up late watching telly in the living room, and I never saw him leave... so I just thought-"

"He must've left when you were using the restroom," I cut her off, hoping she didn't catch on to how defensive I was being. "Besides, he left pretty late, maybe you'd already gone to bed."

She nods. "Maybe."

I hear my phone buzz against the counter, and I finish washing the spatula before handing it to Mini who puts it away. I wash my hands then dry them on my pants before grabbing my phone.

Michelle: Meeting Josh rn, wish me luck! xx

I smile as I respond.

Freya McGuinness: You don't need luck, you know he adores you x

I slide my phone into the pocket of my jumper and Mini finishes the last of the dishes. She joins me on the couch when she's done and I flip through the channels until we can both find something we agree on.

An hour or two later, my mum comes barging through the door. She's got a coffee in her hand and a bunch of male in the other, while two bags of groceries are tucked in the bend of her elbow. She lets out a huff as she shuts the door behind her with the heel of her foot.

"Thanks for the help, girls," she calls out in annoyance as she sets everything on the kitchen table. Mini's far too engrossed in the television, so I slug on over to my mom to help her. I begin putting the groceries away as she sorts through the male, sipping her coffee.

"How's Cassie?" She makes small talk as she rips open an envelope.

"I visited yesterday... she's all drugged up so it's hard to tell, but hopefully better."

I put the carton of milk away when she says, "oh, I saw Tony at the coffee shop."

"Cool," I say back, trying to sound uninterested as possible. "Was he just there by himself."

"I don't know," my mum says back. "His eyes were all over this curly haired girl that was in front of me in line... does he have a girlfriend?"

My heart felt like it was gonna fall out of my ass hole. Michelle.

"He had a girlfriend, but they broke up... but maybe he still likes her," my voice trails off at the end.

My mum, noticing my change in voice, quickly tries to take her words back.

"I mean, maybe he wasn't looking at her... he could've been staring at the pastries by the register-"

"It's fine, mom," I try to reassure her, and myself. "He can look at any girl he wants. It's not like we're together, or anything."

She gives me a sympathetic smile and I purse my lips into a stiff grin. I'm taller than her, so she tucks her head under my chin in an embrace.

"You're a catch, sweet pea," she tells me before leaning up and pecking my cheek, sure to leave a stain of red lipstick. "And if he can't see that, then it's his loss."

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