twenty six

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I woke up with a swollen ankle, painfully bruised knees, and what felt like someone going to town on my head with a jackhammer. I pulled the comforter over my head in attempt to block out the sunlight shining through the window at the end of my bed, but that didn't solve the pounding in my brain.

I realized I was severely hung over.

"Mini!" I call my sisters name, but it comes out more of a groan.

"Minerva!" I try again, yelling louder. I wait a few seconds, before I hear her soft foot steps padding down the hall way. The door creaks open and she peaks her head inside, a toothbrush hanging from her mouth and her eye brows furrowed.

"What?" She inquires. "I'm getting ready for school."

Shit, college. I forgot about that.

"Can you get me some water and painkillers?" I groan out to her. "My head hurts like a bitch."

She scrunches her nose at me.

"Are you drunk?"

I roll over onto my side, pulling the blankets up over my shoulder and snuggling into them.

"No, I'm hungover," I say back. "Water and painkillers. Please?"

She rolls her eyes but nods, heading out to retrieve the things I so desperately needed. While I wait for her return, I grab my phone and read the time. My first college class started in about an hour, but I figured I would just take the whole day off. I had perfect attendance throughout the whole term, so missing one day wouldn't hurt.

Mini comes back a few minutes later with a glass of ice water and two small pills. She sets them on my bedside table.

"Thanks Mins," I tell her, placing both pills on my tongue then swallowing them with a swig of water.
She stands by my bed, scrunching her nose again.

"You smell like beer," she observes.

I shoo her away.

"Okay, thanks Mini. Have fun at school."


Later that night, Chris called and told me to come over. Him and Anwar were trying to get into the Guinness Book of Records, and he told me they needed all the help they could get. He said if I came though, there was one rule I must abide to: don't tell Tony. I didn't question his request, as I'd rather Tony not be there either. So after showering and getting dressed, I head over to Chris' place.

Chris was now living in the dorms on the campus of round view, as his mum never came back, resulting in him getting booted from his house. He had the place set up nice though.... well, not nice. Just very very Chris. When I walked into his dorm room, the room was lit up by blue LED lights. Jal and Michelle greeted me from the bed, while Chris and Anwar sat on the floor behind a large pyramid made from sugar cubes. Sid was there too, a lot quieter than usual, and he sat in the corner of the room poking at one of the many fish bowls Chris had.

"Pop a squat Freya," Jal laughs, licking a sugar cube before handing it to Chris, who carefully places it on the pyramid. "This is gonna be a long night."

I sit carefully beside Chris, watching my every movement, not wanting to accidentally ruin all their hard work.

"Don't breathe on it," Chris informs me. "One wrong move and it's over, man."

Despite this, Jal and Michelle laugh, throwing sugar cubes at the side of Chris. He attempts to dodge them but fails. I pick one out of his hair.

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