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Long chapter. Last chapter of season one...

Dear Freya,

I can't tell you this without crying so that's why I'm writing. My mum and dad have decided that things aren't working out here, and both agree that I'm not getting any better. So we're moving to a place called Elgin. It's in Scotland, and everyones happy there, so maybe I'll finally be happy too. I'm leaving tonight, straight from the clinic. I'd rather you not come by and tell me goodbye, because I don't think my heart could take it. I'm going to miss you when I leave. Please, don't forget about me.

Signed Cassie, a heart dotting the "i".

I drop the letter to the table, my head falling with it, colliding hard with the wood.

"Freya?" My mum questions, a plucked eyebrow raised as she sips her tea across from me. "The fucks wrong with you?"

My face still pressed to the table, I grab Cassie's note, sliding it over to her.

"Oh dear," my mum mutters after reading it. "What a sin."

"What a sin," Mini mocks her from the couch in a high pitched voice, watching cartoons.

My mum and I ignore her.

"These past few months I've been so distant from Cas, too caught up in my own shit... and now she's bloody moving," I mutter to myself in particular, pulling at the curls at the sides of my head out of frustration.

"This could be good for her, you know," my mum tells me. "To get away from her problems."

I finally lift my head from the table, my hair a tangled mess from pulling on it.

"You mean running away from her problems?" I question. "Something you told me you shouldn't do?"

My mum rolls her eyes, sipping her coffee as she flips through a gossip magazine.

"Freya, if I recall, I did let you run from your problems," she fires back. "And look how happy you are now."

I roll my eyes, eyeing a stray fork on the table. I felt like stabbing myself with it.

"Yeah," I humor. "My best friend in the whole world is moving away... I'm thrilled."

She makes a sound with her teeth and tongue, tsk tsk, it says.

"Don't be such a sour puss, Frey," she tells me. "Just be happy that she's finally putting her happiness before anyone else's."


Even though Cassie made it clear she didn't want me to come say goodbye, that's exactly what I was doing. I couldn't just not bid farewell to my bestfriend, could I? Instead of taking a cab, I figured that I would walk to the clinic, to give me a little while to think. There was so much I needed to say to Cassie, so much that I needed to apologize for, but there was so little time. I just hoped she wouldn't block me out when I got there.

I take a short cut through the park to avoid the crowded streets. As I walk down the sidewalk, my dirty old converse crunching against leaves, I light a cigarette. I smoked at parties, when there was nothing better to do, or mainly when I was stressed. I know they say smoking actually increases anxiety, yet for some reason, when I huffed on a cigarette, I couldn't help but feel relaxed. It almost felt euphoric, feeling my lungs fill with smoke as my mind clouded with it. I don't know, maybe it was just a coping mechanism.

I blow smoke out into the wind before my eyes spot a familiar girl, sitting alone on a park bench, staring out into the harbor. I take another drag before I go and join her.

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