twenty one

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I declined Michelle's offer when she invited me along with her and Sid, choosing to stay with Cassie while Michelle went to go buy the mopey Sid a pint. It took a good while to find Cass though, as she had blended in with all the flowers in the garden while gleefully watching a butterfly. She definitely seemed out of it, a bit more than usual, but I figured it was because of the new medication her doctor had started her on. But I didn't mind, it always lifted my spirits when I hung out with the wide-eyed girl. But when Happy Time at the hospital was over and Cassie had to leave for a therapy session, I bid my farewells to her before making my way home.

As I dawdle on back home, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I grab it, flipping it open. 1 message from my mum with an image attachment.

I open the message.

Mummy: Tea time with Tony ! Xx                                                                                                                                                                  

When I open the image my eyes go wide. My mum had taken her and Tony's picture, both sipping from mugs, Tony's pinky finger raised high in the air as his lips held the beginning of his cheeky smirk. I didn't respond, closing my phone and shoving it back in my pocket. I practically run home.

I burst through the front door, my mouth dropping from the sight in front of me. My mum sat on our couch, pouring herself another spot of tea, as Tony Stonem sat on our arm chair, one leg crossed over the other, quietly chatting to Mini, who sat by his feet, her face looking up in awe at the boy.

"Hello?" I question.

Tony's eyes meet mine.

"You nearly missed tea time," he says rather nonchalantly, before sipping his beverage. I stand there in astonishment.

"I didn't know you were coming by," I say to him. From the cheeky smile he gives me, I know that he can tell this whole situation makes me uncomfortable. He seemed to enjoy watching me squirm.

"You forgot your psychology folder in class, so I stopped by to drop it off," he nods towards the coffee table, where sure enough, my purple folder lays. "But then you're lovely mother invited me to stay for tea."

My mom smiles at Tony's affection towards her, playfully swatting a hand at him.

"Oh, Tony..." she begins sweetly, but I cut her off.

"Tony, can I talk to you upstairs," I ask, though the tone of my voice was more of a demand than a question. He nods, standing to his feet, before setting his cup of tea on the table.

"Nice chatting with you, Shelley," he says to my mum with a smile. "You too, Mini."

They both bid him farewell, adoration lacing their voices. I roll my eyes, before grabbing Tony up the stairs by his forearm.

"Shelley?" I ask. "You're on a first name basis with my mum?"

"Yes," he tells me. "She's a lovely woman. And makes a lovely cup of tea-"

He's interrupted when I loudly close my bedroom door, turning to face him with an unamused scowl on my face.

"What's your angle?" I ask.

"What ever do you mean?"

"What I mean is - you're being a kiss up to my mum. Why?"

Even as I give him a piece of my mind, he still manages to keep me on ease, as he looks around my room, touching things he has no business in touching. I hadn't cleaned my room in a while, evidence from the bra that had been thrown on my dresser. He picks it up, a cheeky grin on his face as he swings it around his finger by the strap. I storm over to him, grabbing the bra from his hand and slamming it into the dirty clothes bin.

"I just figured that if we're gonna be spending so much time together, I should get to know you're mum," he tells me, continuing to snoop. "You think she likes me?"

"You have no business in getting to know my mum," I argue back. "I don't know if you're forgetting, but the only reason I'm hanging out with you is because I have no choice. So don't think that whatever the hell this 'relationship' between us is, is real."

He's quiet for a moment, before muttering, "wouldn't dream of it."

He doesn't say anything else for a long while, leading me to a feel a bit bad about what I had said. Even boys like Tony Stonem had a heart, though it was hard to believe sometimes.

"I'm sorry," I apologize after a little while. "That was kinda mean..."

"Nah, don't be... I kinda deserved it," he says back.

We both sit on the bed now, our shoulders brushing one another's from our close proximity. Tony's long legs dangle off the side of the mattress, and I pull mine to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.

"You're actually, not that bad of company either," I tell him, letting my body rock a little to the side to nudge him in the rib with my elbow. "I would be lying if I said I didn't like hanging out with you."

He smiles down at me, his large hands finding my side and pushing against me, sending me rocking back in the direction I came from.

"You're not too bad yourself," he tells me. "I'm glad I blackmailed you."

I let my head fall back in laughter at his comment.

"You've got a nice laugh," he says softly. "It's... comforting."

I smile shyly, feeling heat rise to my cheeks from his complement. But for the first time around him, I didn't curse the feeling washing over me. I just let it be.

"Would I be crazy if I said I did too?" I question. "That I'm glad you blackmailed me? Because who knew you could manage to become somewhat like able, Tony Stonem?"

He tries not to smile at my comment, but can't help it from creeping up on his lips. In return, he pushes my side again, a little harder, sending me falling over on the mattress.

I release my knees from the embrace of my arms and let my body sprawl out on the bed as I laugh. Tony's laughing too, and continues laughing as he climbs over me.

"I didn't mean for you to fall," he tells me, his breath brushing the curl of my hair that fell over my forehead.

"It's okay," I say breathlessly as his deep blue eyes stare into mine. "I don't really mind now."

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