Chapter 15: girl meets happiness

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Lucas's pov

We walk in and sit on the couch. " so what do you wanna do" I asked "let's watch a movie" everyone said. " what movie" Riley asked. " how about Godzilla" me and farkle say. " or If I stay" maya and Riley begged. " is that romance one" farkle asked " yup" the girls say. "We will watch it" I said. " we will?" Farkle said " under one condition" I say. " what is it" maya asked. " every time someone kisses in the movie we pause the movie and react the all kissing scenes" I said " deal" the girls said. We walk down to the basement and sit on the coach. Maya snuggles into my chest. There were like a billion kissing parts. So me and maya kissed a lot. " wanna play foseball" I asked her " ok" she answered.

Farkles pov

" do you wanna go upstairs and watch tv in our room" I asked " sure. Race you upstairs" she replies.

Maya's pov

" yes. That's 3 wins for me and 2 for you. I win, cowboy" I say. He smiles at me. I smile back. " your so beautiful" he said.

"Thanks" I said. " let's go up and watch some tv in your bed" I said. "Ok." Lucas comes toward me and picks me up and carries me up the stairs. He drops me on his bed. And the he comes and sits beside me. " I am so glad missy will be gone forever" i say as we start to make out.

Missy's pov

" I'll be back don't worry" I whispered to myself as I stared in their window.


Authors note:

This is getting good. Do you like it tell me in the comments.


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