Chapter 24: girl meets haunted

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( the next day )

Riley's pov

Me, maya, farkle and Lucas are sitting at the table eating breakfast talking. " me and farkle are going out on a date in about 15 minutes" I say " ok" Lucas and maya say. ( 15 minutes later ) " bye see ya" maya said " have fun" Lucas said. Me and farkle left.

Maya's pov

" what do you wanna do, cowboy" I ask " well we can't do anything outside cuz it's raining. So we could watch a movie in our room" he said. " ok " I agree. We go up stairs and turn on the tv but before I could but the movie on the power went out. It was was dark in our room but we could still see. " damn it now we can't watch a movie" Lucas says " we could talk or play a game" I suggested. He sat on the bed beside me. And we talk for a bit. " your the best girlfriend a boy could ever ask for" he said " and you are the best boyfriend ever" I said. We kissed but that turned into a rough make out. He rolled on top of me. He try's to pull off my shirt but i pull apart and say " not yet, cowboy. We're only 16". " please" he said giving me puppy dog eyes. " maybe just maybe next time Riley and Farkle go out and we are alone " I say. " ok " he reluctantly agrees. " we can still make out though right?" He asked " for sure" I say pressing my lips against his lips. We make out until the lights flicker on and off. We pull apart. " Lucas what was that?" I ask worriedly. " I don't know." He replies. We get up off the bed and walk down stairs. I am holding on to Lucas real tight. We walk down the stairs and we hear an unfamiliar voice say " your going to die tonight" the voice says. " Lucas I am scared" I said. I think that's the first time I have ever said that. " I will protect you" he said hugging me.


Authors note:READ

Remember to vote yes if you want missy and Smakle to come back or no if you want them to stay in jail.

I will update once a day on weekdays and I will try to update twice on weekends if I don't have a basketball tournament.

I hope you liked this chapter


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