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Jungkook still hasn't come down. Yoongi stood on shaky legs and wiped his eyes vigorously. He slowly made his way to his room. Passing Jungkook's as he did. He softly knocked on the door, getting no reply.

Yoongi wipes more tears as they fell down his chubby cheeks at a fast pace. One after another.

As the days past Jungkook continued to ignore Yoongi. And Yoongi did the same to Taehyung who continually apologized. Yoongi eventually turned his phone off and stayed locked in his room. Day after day he stayed locked in there, not eating. Only to get up and go to the bathroom or getting a drink so he doesn't completely die of a broken heart and thirst.

Yoongi sighed as he plopped down into his bed. Finally he had stopped crying after three consecutive hours. But as he took a deep shaky breath his head once again filled with thoughts about Jungkook and more tears fell.

He growled and threw his pillow angrily at the door. Hating himself for agreeing with Taehyung and hating that he let that man touch him. When he clearly knew, subconsciously, he had a boyfriend. Even in that state he should've stopped him. Yet he didn't. And he hated himself for hurting Jungkook. He'd never forgive himself.

He slowly raised to his feet and walked towards the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. The hickey's were no longer there but that didn't mean they never happened. He knew that if he had insisted they do something else he wouldn't be in this mess but it happened there was no going back.

After hearing the front door shut downstairs Yoongi opened his door and peeked down the hallway. Seeing all the lights turned off and the house bare of any noise.

He slowly tiptoed down the stairs and snuck into the kitchen.

His stomach growled after he opened the fridge and saw the contents, he hasn't eaten food in days. But sadly, Jungkook didn't care enough to tell him to come eat. Or so he thought.

In the middle of the fridge, two Tupperware were placed with food, labeled Yoongi. Yoongi smiled lightly and put them on the tabletop. He opened them and warmed them up, placing them in a bowl and eat slowly. Hoping he wouldn't get sick from not eating for such a long time.

In the middle of eating he didn't hear the door opening and only saw a glimpse of Jungkook's figure until he stood in front of him.

Yoongi slowly looked up, noodles hanging from his mouth. His eyes widened and the noodles fell as he jumped slightly. Jungkook raised an eyebrow and turned to get water out of the fridge.

Yoongi straightened up and fiddled with his fingers absentmindedly.

"Um-thanks for the food.."

Jungkook turned after taking a big drink, yoongi's eyes following the bob of his adams apple as it went down and back up again. Causing Yoongi to lick his lips subconsciously. Jungkook made direct eye contact with Yoongi before answering.

"I didn't make it for you, Jin-Hyung brought it because he was worried because you haven't been answering anyone's calls."

Yoongi looked down, saddened by the fact that Jungkook didn't think of him.


Jungkook walked over to Yoongi lifting his head softly.

"Did you think I made it for you? After what you've done?"

Yoongi's stomach dropped and his heart clenched, eyes brimming with tears. He didn't care if Jungkook saw him cry right now. He just wanted comfort of some sort. Anything. Tears fell down Yoongi's face as Jungkook kept a tight hold of Yoongi's blonde hair. He sat there stiffly as he just looked into his eyes, penetrating him a way that Yoongi wanted to hide forever. He never knew how much this could hurt.

He wished he'd never have met Jeon Jungkook. Then, none of this would've ever happened. He blamed Taehyung who somehow convinced him to go even when he knew Jungkook would be disappointed. How did it turn out? Worse. It turned out worse. He lost his boyfriend all in a span of a few hours because of some meaningless hickeys that were placed on his body by a man he didn't know the name of. Yet, he wanted to find him and kill him, tell him it's his fault his boyfriend is gone.

But Yoongi could never do that. It was his fault after all. It's always his fault. He's always the one to blame. He never does anything right. That's why he was the way he was before Jungkook came and broke down his walls. Now, now they're going back up. Stronger than ever. Fuck Jeon Jungkook, fuck Kim Taehyung, fuck that nameless stranger, fuck everything.

Yoongi tore from Jungkook's grasp and fled up the stairs. Tears no longer running down his face. But his signature glare held, murderous and prominent.

He grabbed his duffel bag and shoved clothes in there. Leaving everything of pastel colors and only grabbing the blacks and dark blues. He was done with it. Done with little space. He walked out the door before Jungkook could stop him. 

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