Yoongi glared,

"I'm not fake, I'm just protecting myself!"

He hissed as he slammed the door shut harshly.

Jungkook nodded mockingly, "suure.."

Yoongi glared,

"if you're gonna be an asshole get out."

Yoongi said turning to walk to his room. Jungkook glared at his retreating back. Jungkook has yet to see what Yoongi was truly like while being little. So he wanted him to slip as soon as possible.

Jungkook followed Yoongi to his room seeing various shades of pastel colors, blue, yellows, and others. He smiled lightly and ran his hands along the stuffies lined on the bed and dressers.

Yoongi came out and slapped his hand away.


Jungkook raised an eyebrow,

"Do you yell at people, Yoongi?"

Yoongi snatches Mimi from Jungkook's grip and ignored him. Turning around and petting his head.

Jungkook stepped closer,

"I asked you a question Yoongi."

Yoongi side eyed him.

"I no haf to listen to yew!"

He screamed.

As Yoongi tried to walk away Jungkook gripped his forearm and dragged him in front of his face. Causing him to drop Mimi on the floor.

"Min Yoongi!"

He growled, Yoongi stopped his struggling when he heard the dark undertone to Jungkook's words.

"We do not yell at anyone! Do you understand me!"

Yoongi pursed his lips,


Jungkook walked down the hall and entered the living room to see a vacant corner and placed Yoongi in it. Pushing him down to face the wall. Yoongi started to get up only to earn a smack on the behind making him yelp and sit down again. Just facing the opposite direction.

Piercing screams leaving his pouty lips as tears cascaded down his soft face.

"Come out when you stop crying and when you can apologize for what you did with a smile on your face."

Yoongi made grabby hands at Jungkook only for him to turn a blind eye and walk into the kitchen. The tears sped down faster and his cries progressively got louder, until they were just screams. By now his face was red and his throat hurt. Yet that didn't stop him from screaming.

He banged his hands on the floor and kicked his legs, he always got what he wanted. Why was Jungkook not giving it to him? His cries quieted down and Jungkook peeked into the room, immediately connecting Yoongi's eyes to his own. Making Yoongi whimper and put his hands in the air as he clenched them. Jungkook walked further in, a hand on his hip.

"Are you ready to apologize?"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and turned away.

"Thought so,"

Jungkook turned and Yoongi started to cry once again,

"No no, no weave!"

Yoongi screamed as Jungkook shook his head,

"Not until you're ready Yoongi, you don't always get what you want. Especially if you're being bad, there are consequences for your actions."

Yoongi slammed his head into the crack on the wall, angrily throwing his shoes towards Jungkook. Missing him by a smidge. Jungkook turned and glared at him, causing Yoongi to shrink into the wall,

"keep racking up points and you'll find yourself over my knee if you keep acting like this."

Yoongi cried harder and closed his eyes. Tears slipping down his face. After he calmed down he was sniffling and hiccuping.

He got up on shaky legs after two long hours, full of crying and screaming. Yoongi has dent marks in his palms from fisting his hands and his head pounded from all the screaming. His eyes burned and he couldn't breathe, due to being stopped up so much. His throat felt like it was on fire and he just wanted comfort.

Comfort from Jungkook.

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