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As they made their way to class Taehyung and Jimin bumped into them and Jimin eyed Yoongi up and down.

"Hm, finally stepping out of your grave?"

Yoongi clenched his fist ready to swing when Jungkook's words rang through his ears. He smiled sweetly.

"Yep, I did. You look nice Jimin, did you finally give up dressing for the circus?"

He smirked as Jimin's smile faltered. Anger present in his eyes.

"Fuck you Min Yoongi!"

Jimin said pushing Yoongi against the lockers only to be turned around by Yoongi. Who gripped Jimin's brown locks tightly in his fist.

"Fucking touch me one more damn time. I dare you."

He growled lowly, Jimin punched Yoongi across the face. Smirking victoriously when he fell. But he yelped when his feet got kicked from under him and he was sent to the ground.

Yoongi sat on top of him and punched him in the face. Jungkook's words completely gone from his mind. Anger seeping through his veins and through each punch he delivered to Jimin.

He got pulled off as Jungkook tightly wrapped his arms around his arms as Yoongi kicked. Taehyung rushes to Jimin's side, a displeased look towards his boyfriend. Yoongi looked up, fear residing in his stomach, finally remembering Jungkook's threat. But instead of finding an angry male he found a disappointed look spread on his face.

Yoongi frowned, finding this worse than any yelling Jungkook could ever say to him. Seeing his eyes casted towards him filled with so much disappointment made Yoongi feel worse, not for Jimin but for himself. He finally stilled in Jungkook's arms and looked at the damage he caused.

Jimin had a bruise forming on his cheek and his nose was bleeding. Yoongi only had a small bruise on his chin. He bit his lip, softly holding onto Jungkook's arm. Taehyung stood Jimin up and whispered something in his ear. Causing Jimin to furrow his eyebrows and step towards Yoongi.

"I'm sorry.."

He mumbled, Taehyung pinched his butt, causing a yelp to leave his plump lips.

"I'm sorry."

He said louder, Yoongi was finally let go and Jungkook pushed him forward. He took a deep breath.

This was gonna be hard.

"it's....It's fine........"

Jungkook squeezed Yoongi's waist.

"I'm...I'm S-Sorry too..."

he rushes out. The words bitter in his mouth. Of course he didn't mean them. But Jungkook didn't need to know. Jimin looked up and nodded walking away with his head down, following Taehyung.

Yoongi turned to Jungkook to see his eyes dark and arms crossed. Yoongi gulped. Yep, he was in deep shit.

Jungkook softly held Yoongi's hand as they made their way to the car. Yoongi bit his lip as Jungkook stiffly held the steering wheel.


Jungkook didn't turn or hum to let Yoongi know he was listening. So, he tried again.


Jungkook gripped the wheel tighter.

"Do not speak Yoongi, you are in trouble, I warned you and you didn't listen."

Yoongi nodded as tears clouded his vision. He didn't have a right to cry. Jungkook was right, he did warn him what would happen. Yoongi just hoped he'd go soft on him, this is the first spankings he'd receive since his parents, which was only when he was younger. So it's been a few years, multiple in fact.

As Jungkook pulled into the driveway Yoongi stiffened, holding his breath as Jungkook walked over to his side opening the door.

"Let's go."

He said gruffly. Yoongi gulped, shaking his head slightly. 

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