du noir naît la lumière

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Okay too anyone starting this book, English is not my main language, therefore there are some spelling mistakes especially in the beginning of the book, but I am constantly learning, and I swear it gets better as you go, because I've gotten better grammatically. So I hope that won't shy you away from reading this book 😁

John walked down the gloomy streets of London, he had gotten a call from a woman frantically screaming about some demonic man outside her house, so he was currently on he's way to the address she gave him. He finally found the street and turned the corner ready to fight, but as he kinda had expected no one was there. He debated just going to the nearest pub and leave it there, until he heard a ear withering scream from the ally not long in front of him, he hurried over there and was ready to fight, what he saw , was a women backed up in a corner and a taller man standing in front of her, "oh yea demon why don't you bloody find someone else to fight" the man turned around and John could see that it was indeed a demon or a demonic possession, because the mans eyes were glowing a dark red, John was quic to cast a spell that send the demon flying in to the wall with a loud crack, " no , NO please don't hurt him, hes my neighbor, he has never hurt anyone I don't know what's wrong with him" the woman yelled at John, demonic possession it is then, john thought to himself,, "run!" he told the woman, who quickly ran far away. Okay you listen here you bastard demon let the boy go, "and why would I do that, I'm having so much fun" "okay suit yourself" John said and started casting a spell on the demon making it let out a loud demonic screech, John separated the demon from the young man , who fell  limb to the floor while the demon became a large shadow. The demon shadow started attacking John , but he was ready and quickly froze the demon, he then opened a gateway to hell and send it away. John quickly ran to the young man's side ,, "come on mate wake up, come on" John said while shaking the man slightly, suddenly with a large gasp of air the man opened he's eyes and started breathing, only to close them again in a state of exhaustion, John understood that the boy was unconscious and would remain so for a little while, and since he couldn't just leave him there, he lifted the man , who was a little too light in he's opinion, and started walking to the street where he compelled a taxi driver to drive them home. When they got home John gently placed the man on he's sofa and then put a blanket over hes body. He turned he's light on and for the first time since he met the man he noticed how gorgeous he was,, he's hair was brown with a bit red in the end of he's hair,, he had freckles sprawled across hes cheeks and he had a perfect jawline. John then whent to get a drink and then sat in the chair by the sofa watching some tv where he then fell asleep.

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