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Matthew's POV
It had been a couple of days since the John Constantine incident, I still couldn't believe how stupid my brother was, it was my brother who had taken over my body because we were arguing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU NONCE" I yelled at my brother who was nothing but a dark shadow standing in front of me, "and why would I Matthew, it's true, your a failure, your one of the most powerful beings to ever exist and you spend you time living amongst these petty beings as one of them, disgraceful" my brother said, venom lacing he's words.
"You just need a reminder of the good old days, don't you remember, the good old days where we slaughtered whole villages side by side for our enjoyment, don't you remember ha brother?"
"I remember, I remember all the terrible things we did" I replied and looked to the ground.
Suddenly I was taken by surprise when my brother possessed my body, I wasn't prepared and I wasn't strong enough to cast him out again, I begged him not to hurt the women who I considered a friend, but he ignored my pleads and continued walking thowards the women, and then you know the rest, John Constantine came and send my brother to hell, to no point because he can enter and leave hell as he wishes. And the next thing I know I'm in John's apartment. 

I walked out of my apartment locking the door after me, I needed some fresh air so I decided to walk to the nearby park to sit on a bench. I could really use a drink but the pubs aren't open yet, so I guess I have to wait I thought as I sat on the bench enjoying the gloomy sun.

John's POV
I was out looking for Matthew, when I found him sitting on a park bench alone, I kept my distance, suddenly he stood up and walked thowards the pub on the corner that had just opened, I decided to follow him. He sat down on a bar chair and ordered some kind of alcoholic drink. I decided to go sit beside him, he looked up from he's drink to me, I could see realization quickly struck him as he slapped some money on the table took hes jacket and quickly stood up to leave, I quickly grabbed he's wrist "not so quick love, I just wanna talk" he shrugged of my hand and sat back down, "fine what do you want" he said in a bitter voice,
"I want you to tell me why your here"
"Why wouldn't I be here"
"Don't play dumb mate, I know who you are"
"And so what" he said and downed he's drink, then ordered a new one.
"Listen Constantine if your here to send me back to hell or whatever, then spare your time, I can freely leave and enter when I want"
"Oh so that's how it works" John replied.
"You don't strike me as an almighty powerful evil demon" John said
"Hmn wow thanks" I replied sarcastically,
" if your a demon, what was it that possessed you, Ive never heard of demons possessing demons" John questioned.
"It was my brother" I said in a bitter tone, "he's a shadow demon, so when we argued he possessed me, to show me a good time I guess"
"So it doesn't really matter that I send him to hell" questioned John
"Nope, he can just pop right back up" I replied.
"Oh" John said.

Matthew's POV
I didn't wanna spill anymore secrets so I quickly downed my last drink, took my jacked and walked out the door, I walked for a couple of minutes, I could clearly feel that John was following me, when I turned the corner I hid in an alleyway, so when he walked by looking rather confused, I grabbed him by he's tie and dragged him in to the ally and pushed him against the wall, my eyes were glowing red with fire as I pressed him against the wall and said in a deep voice "listen here mate, your gonna leave me alone, or else I'm gonna make sure you'll regret it"
"Oh is that so"
John replied in an normal voice
I was beyond pissed at this point , he didn't even seem scared,
I took him a little away from the wall and slammed him back against it , he let out a low groan.
I could feel myself starting to slowly loose control as my eyes started burning with fire, I let go of him and he sucked in a deep breath of air.

I leaned against the nearest wall, trying to gain control, my eyes were constantly shifting back and forth, as I tried to not loose control, 
" you okay there mate"
John said in an almost amused tone, as he took a step closer to me,
"S-stay away, you moron"
I said still leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. I finally gained full control again, I quickly ran past him and away.

John's POV
Matthew let go of me and whent to lean against the nearest wall, I could see he's eyes shifting back and forth from fire to dark brown, he was obviously trying to not loose control as he breathed heavily, I took a step forwards him and asked in an amused voice
" You okay there mate"
"s-stay away you moron" he replied. He's eyes then returned to the normal dark brown , he looked at me before quickly running out of the ally disappearing quickly.
Weird, I thought. Maybe he wasn't as bad as the stories tell, it definitely looked like he didn't wanna loose control of whatever is inside of him., with that thought I started walking back home.

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