Flustered and Confused

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Nobody's POV
John now sat besides Matthew on the couch, they were both mega wasted,
You know this is quite fun, your not as broody as the other times I've seen you, Matthew said and giggled drunkenly,
Oh is that right, your not as tight and nervous as the other times I've met you either, John said and smirked at Matthew.
Bullocks, I'm not tight or nearvous, Matthew exclaimed,
Alright mate then I'm not broody, then John said laughing.
I- wha that's not true you are broody Matthew exclaimed standing up from the couch and pointing an accusing finger at John.
Fine fine I admit it, I am broody, John said laughing out loud.

It's lucky I like brooding English men then ha?
Very very lucky for me , John said rising from the couch, walking seductively forward Matthew, he pressed he's finger to Matthews chest and pushed him back until he's back hit the wall, he's face slowly leaned closer and he suddenly pressed he's lips to Matthews ,, they both let out a quiet groan at the contact, the kiss was slow and heated, until Matthew broke apart from the kiss " I didn't know the famous John Constantine was Gay?" Matthew said with a small chuckle, "I'm bisexual mate, and the same goes for you, I didn't quite expect one of the infamous trier boys to first show up in the realm of the living and I sure as hell didn't expect to be making out with one" John said chuckling, as that was said their lips met again, John licked slightly at Matthews bottom lip asking for entrench, witch Matt eagerly granted him, the kiss got more heated as John slit He's hand up Matthew's shirt, Matthew moaned at the contact, one of Johns hand whent down to Matt's pants starting to undo them, Matt's hand quickly grabbed Johns hand and took it gently away, "I might be wasted but I still have some sense left" with that he walked too the window , "goodbye John , thanks for the drinks and the other stuff" Matt said with a smirk before disappearing out the window, John was left standing flustered and confused.

This chapter was very rushed oops,
Please vote and comment it keeps me motivated.

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