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John's pov
It had been a couple days, since me and Matthew's encounter at my place, I haven't seen or heard anything from him since, not like I had expected it or anything. I just still had too remember to keep an eye on him. I stepped outside on my small balcony too get a quick siggy, when a man I knew all too well, suddenly stood by my side.
(3 person POV )
"Want a siggy mate" John asked, "this isn't funny John, I didn't come too have a siggy with you, this is important" the man said. "It's nice to see you too, Luca" John said sarcastically too the angered angel beside him, "what is it you want then Luca" John asked him, "I think you could guess if you tried" luca replied, "this is about The Trier boy who have been staying up here for some time now, we sense that something dark is on its way, and it has too do with that boy, that's why I'm here" Luca said looking , as serious as an angel only could. "What with him, he doesn't seem that terrible, he's actually very charming" John replied thinking back too the night a couple of days ago, "John I know you have been getting closer too him and that's why I need you, so do not become smitten with him, don't let him trick you, he has done too many unspeakable things too even count, and he is one of the strongest demons too have ever roamed, so I do not care if he seems "charming" , he's a demon and not just any kind of demon , do you understand that John?" Luca told him sternly, "aight, aight no need too get cranky with me love, I understand, so what is it , exactly that you want from me?" John asked. " I want you too befriend the demon and make sure , you get close enough too him, so you might get information out of him , and so that you are ready when the darkness arrives, I would have asked you too find a way too send him back too where he came from and make him stay there, but it seems the darkness already has plans of that sort for the Trier boy, you just have too make sure, it doesn't take down half of England with it" Luca said, and with that said, he disappeared. "Well wasn't that cryptic, bloody hell" John cursed as he stubbed out hes cigarette, and walked back inside. He really needed a drink right about now.

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