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Matthew had been sitting in the bar for maybe 1 hour now, he was definitely drunk at this point, but not totally wasted. The bar was more filled then normally, as it was Saturday. Matthew looked to his right, as he heard the chair beside him move, some guy sat down beside him and ordered a drink for himself. Some time whent by when the guy suddenly asked "so what's ur name eh handsome?" He asked Matthew, "sod off, I'm not interested" Matthew replied without looking at the guy. "Feisty aren't ya" the guy said back, "I said sod off" Matthew told the guy. "Don't act like you don't want me love" the guy said and leaned closer too Matthew. "Fucking hell" matthew said lowly, trying too contain he's anger. The guy suddenly put his hand on Matthew's thigh and that's when he lost it. He grabbed the guys head and slammed it on the table, people around them gasped. The guy quickly recovered from the hit, and threw a punch after Matt, but Matthew grabbed the mans arm and twisted it around. The guy fell too the ground, groaning in pain, as he held he's arm. Matthew stumbled back a bit because of the alcohol pulsing through he's system, he tried too calm his breathing, as too not go full demon on anyone.

What he didn't expect was too get punched in the stomach suddenly.
Matthew buckled over in pain, but quickly got over it, as he saw another fist coming toward his face, 3 other men had now joined the fight, presumably friends of the guy from the bar. Matthew felt himself slowly loose control, as he dogged punch after punch, one of the guys suddenly caught him off guard and punched him in the jaw, and that's when he finally lost it.
Flames erupted from his hands, as he's eyes and hair lit up with burning fire. Everyone was shocked and many started screaming and running. He shot the fire at some of the men who also started running, from the aggressive fire the boy was shooting at them. Some of the employees where standing in shock, while others where trying too put out some of the sofas that had caught on fire.
Matthew fell too his knees as he slowly regained control. He looked around at all the damage he'd done, "no" "NoNoNoNo" he chanted as tears poured down he's cheeks. He stood up and tried too go help some of the people desperately trying to put out the fire. "No STAY AWAY!" One yelled as they backed away in fear, "No! I'm sorry i swear it was an accident!" Matthew begged as he approached them, "stay away!" One of the guys said and threw a glass at him.  Matthew was shocked and stumbled back, he took one last look at the scared humans as he stumbled out of the burning bar. People outside had gathered around and was filming the building, Matthew stumbled out and down the sidewalk, hurrying to get away from the many people and the bar. After he got a bit away he stumbled into a dark alleyway and slit down the wall, he hugged his knees as he began sobbing.

John's friends POV
I watched as a bar fight broke out between a young man and some older chap, it lookes like a normal bar fight I thought too myself as I turned back too my drink. Suddenly I looked back as the bar erupted with screaming. I saw the young man from the fight, with flames coming out of his hands, and his hair was lit up with fire as well
"bullocks here we go again"
I muttered as I pulled my phone out and took a quick video of the young, whatever he was. I quickly send the video too Constantine, together with my location.
Ryan: this looks like a job for you Constantine.
John: I'm on my way, if he leaves, follow him.

I whent out of the bar as more of it started too catch on fire. I heard some yelling from inside the building, and not long after, the man from the fight stumbled out and down the sidewalk, I decided not to follow him and wait for John instead.

John's POV
Bloody hell, i said as I watched the video of Matthew going full demon bonkers, in the middle of a bar, I got the location from Ryan, grabbed my coat and hurried out the door. I quickly catches a taxi and gave the driver the location of the bar. Luckily the bar was not far from my apartment and I got there in about 5 minutes. I payed the man and got out of the cap, people were talking and filming, as a fire truck was spraying water on the building, "bullocks" I muttered as I looked for Ryan. "John, over here" I ran over too Ryan who was sitting on the sidewalk smoking a ciggy. "Ry what the bloody hell, you were supposed to follow him!" I yelled at him. "Sorry Constantine but I'm not following some crazy demon man, who shoots fire, but I saw him stumble that way" Ryan said and pointed down the road. "Okay then" I murdered bitterly and started running down the street. "Matthew" "Matthew it's John, I'm here too help you!" "Matt" I ran down the street calling him but I got no answer.
I was about to give up, when I heard the faint noise of someone crying, I walked after the sound and it led me too a dark alleyway. In the beginning of the alleyway sat Matthew. He was hugging he's knees while rocking back and forth.

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