Drunk on your couch

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Matthew's POV
One day later.
I was scared,, I had definitely told John Constantine too much , what if he told everyone else, nonono, i cant have thousands of warlocks hunting me, I need to find him. I walked outside looking around ,, where do i start ,, okay maybe I just need to ask some people on the streets,, after about and hour of asking people I still had no further information on how to find him, I walked up to two ladies standing on the street, "you Two wouldn't know anything about a John Constantine , would you" I asked, "of course, I know that bastard" one of them said, she then gave me his address and I was on my marry way..
When I arrived it was dark outside, I climbed up the typical outsides stairs until I stood outside one of hes big windows, I could see him standing in the kitchen, I knocked harshly on the window.

John's POV
Is stood in the kitchen debating on what to eat when i heard a hars knock from the window,, I quickly turned around, outside I saw Matthew stand in front of the window
I hesitatntly walked over to the window and opened it, he quickly stepped inside, he looked conflicted like he didn't know what to say, "why are you here luv?"
He looked down on the ground then looked me straight in the eyes
"You can't tell anyone" he said in a low tone.
"I don't want to kill you" he said.
"I'm not going to tell anyone" I said in a calming tone.
"I swear"
"Why , why are you protecting my secret, you could easily tell all warlocks"
"Because your not doing anything wrong so I'm not going to do that luv, no need to worry"
"Thanks" he replied in a low voice.
There was an awkward silence for a while until I said "so do you want a drink"
"Yea I guess a drink would be nice" he replied
I walked over too the mini bar and started pouring some alcohol in too two glasses, I look back and notice that Matthew is still standing awkwardly by the window,, "ya know you could just go sit down on the couch luv"
"O-h y-ea" he replied
I walked over too the couch and sat down giving him the glass with alcohol,
He took the glass and started sipping on it quietly ,
"Can alcohol even effect you?" I asked him curiously.
"Yes and no" he answered
"Hmn?" I questioned
"I normally can't, but I've created a spell that allows me to get drunk" Matthew answerd
"Oh, is the spell on ya right now"
"Nah but I can cast it on myself now if ya want to see?" He asked
"Yea sure I'm intrigued" I replied
I watched as he's eyes rolled back and he's had started gently glowing, he mumbled some nonsense words and then whent back to normal, "it's done" he said, "that's brilliant" I replied, he blushed a bit and replied a quiet "thanks"
We sat and talked for a bit just chilling and drinking, after half an hour, we had both downed a fairly big amount of alcohol and Matthew had loosened up quite a bit.
"Do you know what's crazy , I actually came here to kill you, instead here I am, being drunk on your couch, pathetic" he said laughing and fell back against the couch
"Hahah luv I guess I should be thankful for you not killing me, because I definitely prefer this"
"Haha yea I prefer this too"

This is filled with spelling mistakes, sry not sry.

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