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John pov
I woke up to soft sound of something boiling. I slowly opened up my eyes, confusion filled my head, until I remembered the events of yesterday and where I was at the moment.
The air smelled deliciously of new brewn coffee and the sun was shining from the many windows, I could hear the faint buzzing of the city waking up outside. Finally I turned my head towards the kitchen, where Matthew stood and was making coffe.
"Mornin" Matthew said without looking away from the coffe he was busy pouring into cups.
"You like coffe?" He asked me.
"Mornin to you too, and yea coffe sounds bloody great thanks" I replied in a tired voice.
"Tired?" Matthew asked as he finished pouring the coffe.
"Hmn a bit yea" I answered.
"Then hopefully this will wake you up" he said as he brought the two cups and sat them down on the table in front of me, before also taking a place at my side.

He quietly took the cup and brought it to his mouth, after taking a small sip, I got his attention by saying,
"You seem to be in a better mood then yesterday , good thing innit?" I asked.
I saw him visibly stiffen, before he let his shoulders slump again and answered.
"Don't judge a book by its cover, isn't that how the sayin goes" Matthew answered.
"That means you're still sad?" I asked.
He took a slow sip from his cup and looked up at me.
"Why do you care?" He replied with what I presume was supposed to be a hard tone, but it came out more questioning and quiet.
"Just askin, I do know how to be nice you know" I replied in a teasing tone.
"Hmn sure" he replied and whent back to drinking his coffe.

I also picked my cup up and started drinking, it was a bit to sweet for my taste, but I wouldn't complain.
"Mind if I turn on the tube?" I asked.
"I don't care, do whatever you want" he replied with a monotone voice.

I was starting to feel a bit awkward, just a few hours ago he was sobbing into my chest, and now we are sitting on the couch drinking coffe like yesterday never happened, I grabbed the remote and turned on the tube to some trash news show, I then turned the volume down, and decided I was gonna Test the waters.
"Do you wanna talk about yesterday, you seemed really out of it mate?" I said casually.
"Honestly Constantine why do you care, if you could send me to hell right now and make me stay there, I bet you wouldn't bat an eye, so what's with the questioning yea?" Matthew had now turned on the couch and sat cross legged towards me, I had to stop myself from smiling because of how cute he looked with his morning hair sticking out in all kinds of directions.

I put down my cup and turned towards him as well.
"Just makin sure ur not gonna demon out on me, nothin more" I answered casually.
"Well m'not so you can calm down" he said as he stared at me weirdly.
"Sure thing mate, so this happen often? You loosing control and lightning everything on fire that is"

I could see by the look in his eyes, that I was really testing the waters now.
"No" he sneered,
"No need to get aggressive love, m'just trynna make conversation" I replied with a smirk.
Something changed in his expression, looks like he figured out what I was doing.
"You trynna make me demon out on you Constantine, is that it"
he leaned a bit closer and I could smell the coffe from his breath, "is that what your into huh Constantine, I figured you liked it ruff, but you really think you could handle full demon?" He said.
"m'sure i would do just fine luv" i said in a quiet voice as i moved my face a bit closer to him as well.
"Hmn you must be delusional then" he answered casually and removed his face, out of my person space, and leant back against the couch. It would be a lie, if I said I didn't already miss his face, so close to mine.
"Maybe" I replied with a grin.

Matthew's POV
I leant back on the couch and looked back at the telly. I wondered why John hadn't left yet, I mean he did help me yesterday and I repayed him by making him coffe, seems fair right? Well right now we're chatting like we're a bloody couple, I really don't get his motives sometimes. Especially right now.
"So, you planning on leavin at some point, or are you just gonna stay on my bloody couch all day" i asked him in an amused tone.
"I dunno, this is actually quite comfy, might just stay a bit, I'm sure I wouldn't wanna miss out on lunch" he replied in an equally amused tone.
"Who's sayin im making you lunch, you wanker" I replied with a laugh.
"Just assumed, since I helped you yesterday, that you would at least make me lunch" he replied with amusement.
"Oh I see, you helped me yesterday, so you could get some free lunch. Didn't know you were poor Constantine?"
I replied.
"M'Not , but I wouldn't say I'm the best at cooking tho, but I make absolutely bloody awesome scrambled eggs, and I can make one hell of a whisky on the rocks, but that's about how far my cooking skills go." He replied with a laugh, I laughed along.
"Doesn't Sound that bad to me" I replied with a smile, that he returned.

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