A day in the life of a demon prince

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Matthew walked down the gloomy street, he hadn't really eaten anything for 3 days, because he didn't feel like going outside. He's had too admit he's not really the biggest social person. He would rather stay home with he's coffee machine, he's marvelous coffee machine, it's probably the best thing about the human world, because there sure ain't coffee machines in hell. He would say he would bring the coffe machine back there, but he sure wasn't planning on going back too hell for a very very long time. He walked into a small caffe, it had nice cozy decor and felt welcoming, he sat down at one of the booths in the corner, and a waitress quickly came and took hes order. He ordered he's favorite stuff, hot chocolate and French toast. He had a crazy love for chocolate milk for some reason, it was just the best thing in the world. He munched quietly on the French toast as he looked around at the other people in the caffe. Most humans seemed so simple, but he had quickly learned that most of them weren't as simple as they seemed, it was easy for him too see through them, he liked too imagine what their history was. Of course he would never talk too any of them tho, he never really knew what too say, it hadn't always been like that. when he was younger, he was the feared prince of hell, people who didn't love him, wanted too be him, he was know as the flirty handsome fearless prince of hell. Things changed over time tho. Matthew shook hes head, he didn't wanna think about the past. He didn't wanna think about the future either.
He payed for he's food and walked out of the caffe, He quickly regretting leaving the small caffe as it started pouring down, and within a few minutes of walking he was completely drenched and freezing. He hated cold, absolutely despised it, maybe it was because he was from a place where it was warm 24/7, he just hated cold. He ran down the street on he's way back too he's apartment, suddenly someone who was walking the opposite way, suddenly whent in Matthew's way and shoved he's shoulder, "hey watch it jerk" the guy spat at Matthew, "I-I'm sorry" matthew answered, "yea whatever jerk" the guy said and continued walking down the street. Matthew sighed and continued running back too he's apartment...
This chapter was kinda so you lot could get a better feeling about who Matthew is as a character. And personality and stuff. Please vote or comment or both, it would mean a lot. Hope you enjoyed.

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