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John's POV
It had been a couple days since I have last seen him.
I knew I had to get closer to him, soon.
Lucas keep telling me the darkness is nearing, which means I don't have a lot of time left, I have to visit him today. At least I know where he lives now, I know he told me not to just pop in when I feel like it, but I kinda have too, I need too built some form of trust bond between us.
I need him to trust me.

The streets of London were cold, as I walked amongs the morning fog, I was planning to invite him out, not as in a date of course, just have a fun day together, which also sounds like a date, bloody hell.

Matthew's POV
I was just doing the dishes, when a fairly loud knock came from my door, I hesitantly walked over to my door and opened it. Of course there stood the one and only John Constantine, I rolled my eyes, and shut the door, but before I could he put his foot in, stopping me from closing it. I sighed and walked back to the kitchen. I could hear the door being opened fully and then closed again.
"Someone is in a good mood" John called out to me.
"Piss off" I replied.
"Hey, no need to get feisty, I came to ask you something" John said.
"Well get on with it then" I answered.
"Well, I know I walked out on you, quite quick last time we saw each other, and I wanted to make up for it, so I was thinking maybe you would go to a restaurant with me, or something fancy like that, that blokes normally like?" John said with hesitation in his voice.
I turned around to stare at him.
"Are you being bloody serious?" I asked him.
He suddenly looked a lot more nearvous, and I almost felt bad.
"Yea, was just an idea, you don't have too of course" he replied sincerely.
"I- I mean, I wouldn't mind it" I said.
And I honestly meant it, I haven't been out of the house since forever, unless you count going to the pub.
Suddenly all nearvous demeanor disappeared from him, and he looked happy as he said,
"Well then it's decided!, we're going out, put on some proper clothes will ya then"
"Ehm yea, now?" I asked looking down at my pajamas.
"Yea, might as well start the day early!" John said.
10 minutes later
"I think I'm ready now" I said.
"Good then come on then, don't wanna waste time do we?" John said awfully happy.
"Aight then"
We walked together out of my apartment and I locked it behind us. We Silently walked to the elevator and pressed the button.
"So where are we goin" I asked curiosity eating me up.
"We're going on a trip" John answered with a smile.
"Well, that sure explains a lot" I said sarcastically.
We stepped into the open elevator, and silently waited.
" so you are really not gonna tell me where we are going?" I questioned.
"Correct" he answered.
The elevator doors finally opened. And we both walked out and left the building, stepping into the cold London streets.
" I know it's almost summer, but it sure is cold" John  said and patted his arms too get some warmth.
"I quite like the cold" I replied with a shrug.
"Of course you do" he mumbled with a smile.
We walked for a while, before John loudly whistled, and a taxi screeched and stopped in front of us.
"Why didn't we just catch a taxi, when we left my apartment" I questioned.
"I don't know, just felt like walking a bit, that's all" he replied nonchalant.
We both entered the taxi, and John leaned up to the driver and said in hushed words, where we were going.
"So, I have a question" John said with a cautious tone. I already know I won't like this question, whatever it is.
"Then ask, Yea" I replied.
"What where you like in hell?, like wha I mean is, how is things down there"

John's POV
I watched as Matthew visibly flinched at my question.
"Ehm, I- I was popular?, a- and most people either wanted to be me, be with me, or was scared of me. I- I was a proper dickhead, too be honest" Matthew replied looking down.
I hummed, and said. "You sounded like a real lady's man"
He let out a chuckle, as the mood got lighter.
"Yea, I guess I was" he said.
"Even tho, I really didn't fancy them that much" he said with a chuckle.
"Ah right, cuz you are an almighty gay demon, right?" I said laughing with him.
"You make it sound weird" he laughed.
"Had any girlfriend, or boyfriend, did you" I asked
"Not really", he said looking like he was thinking.
"There was this one lad, Andre, who got sent to hell for killing his homophobic father who beat him everyday, which I think is absolutely absurd, like why does he deserve to go too hell, I say he did the right thing" Matthew said his eyes darkening a bit.
"he was a nice lad I guess, but I messed up" Matthew confessed.
"Hmn, yea that's pretty messed up" I agreed.
"Yea" he said
"What about you, Constantine, what where you like, when you where younger" he asked.
"That's a good question, I was in a punk band for a while, and other then that I was a confused drunk, who neither cared too much or too little for anyone, other then myself" I replied.
He hummed, and said "a punk band, sounds pretty wicked"
"Yea it was" I said with a smile, which he returned.
Part 2 coming soon...
Hope you enjoyed.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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