Wild Fire

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John's POV
I watched in amazement as Matthew's eyes turned red and yellow almost as wild fire, the red part in the end of hes hair also ignited up in a fire like way, he put the fire from the kitchen out in a matter of seconds, he then returned to normal and took a deep breath, I could see realization struck him as he looked to me with a mortified expression on he's face before he stuttered out "I-I s-should be g-going" he then ran straight out the door not even taking he's jacked with him. I sat there completely in thoughts for a moment, realization then struck me as I realized what he was, no , no it can't be, I thought. I quickly scrambled to my feet and whent to look in books after the ancient stories I had read so many times before. It's true he is one, I realized as I read the explanation of the Trier family.
Matthew was a Trier.

The Trier family was a famous and feared family from hell. The family consisted of the father Oldrig, the mother Sinsel, and their two twin sons Matthew and Marcus.
The story goes, the father made he's two sons murder a person each, then Oldrig burned both he's sons and then murdered he's wife after he made her murder a person too. Since the whole family had murdered they were all sentenced to hell, the father had special connections to the higher demons in hell, witch secured them a high rank in hell, the father then gathered 100 demons and together they all casted what is known to be the fire spell (avrilin) on he's two sons, what the demons didn't know was that Oldrig had terrible plans, so suddenly Oldrig started channeling all power from the 100 demons in too hes two sons. When the ritual was done Oldrigs two sons were some of the most powerful demons to ever exist, and they were quickly feared by all.
When the two sons use their powers, their eyes glow with fire and the end of their hair light up in fire.
"What the bloody hell" John said loudly, it says nothing about them ever coming back to the land of living, John thought. But the boy seemed so sweet so human? How is this possible John wondered. Anyways I need to find that boy again, I need to know more, he's one of the most feared creatures to ever exist, he needs to go back to hell.

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