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I wake up the next morning, walking right into my en-suite. Going straight to take a shower, quickly washing up.

Getting out of the shower, I slowly dry off and I do my hair and my makeup.

I walk back to my room and plug my phone in to play music. I pull my laptop out and start to search on where I want to go on my traveling.

There's a few places I'm already sure I want to go, but I want to see if there's other places I may want to go.

"Emma!" My dad calls.

"What?!" I yell back.

"I'm leaving!" He replies.

"Okay!" I shout.

I have no idea how many stops I'm going to be making on this trip there's so many places I want to go, so many places that interest me.

I know I'm definitely making a few stops here in America, maybe one in Canada and a few in Europe and maybe a couple in Australia.

Also I know that I need to be home at Christmas. Oh and that my dad wants to visit me at some point which may be annoying.


My dad just got home and I'm planning on talking to him about my trip.

"Dad?" I say, sitting next to him, facing him on the sofa.

"Yes?" He questions.

"I did some looking for my trip today." I tell him.

"Oh really?" He questions. "How was that?"

"It went okay. I think I've figured out some of the places I want to go." I reply.

"Do any of those places involve college or university?" He asks.

"Dad.." I say.

"I'm just trying to make you realize after a year off school you won't want to go back." He replies.

"Whatever." I huff, standing up. "I'm going out I'll be back later."

I walk out the door grabbing my keys and phone on my way out and into my car. I sit the drivers seat, running my hand frustratedly through my hair. Letting out a deep breath, I put the keys in the ignition and start the car. With a sigh, I drive off.

Obviously, I end up at the cafe.

I step inside, and try to figure out what to order.

After ordering I get my drink and go sit, plugging my headphones into my phone to listen to my music as I sit here.

As I just sit here drinking I watch the people coming through. Men and woman enter and exit quickly. A group of teenage girls walk in, then I realize they went to school with me. A few moments later a guy around my age walks in. I do a double take, not able to keep my eyes off the attractive guy. He looks up and he smirks at me, obviously noticing my staring. I blush, looking down at my drink.

When I look up, the group of three girls I went to school with we're walking towards me.


"Oh hey Emma." The one girl, who I believe her name is Sadie, chuckles.

"Um, hi." I quietly respond.

"So I see you're all alone, again as usual." She says with a fake frown.

"Well-" I start until I get cut off.

"Actually she's not alone. I'm here with her." The guy I was staring at says, with an obvious accent, standing next to the table.

The three girls just check him out, completely forgetting about me.

"Maybe you should go now." He tells them.

Without a word the girls leave.

"Um, thanks for that." I quietly say, kind of embarrassed.

"It's not a problem." He tells me. "I'm Ashton by the way."

"Uh, I'm Emma." I awkwardly reply.

"Well Emma, maybe I'll see you around sometime." He smiles.

I nod in response.

He smiles again before waving and heading off out of the shop.

Once he's outside a few girls who seem a few years younger than me approach him. That's weird.

I look back to my phone and sigh.

Why am I so awkward? Why me?

After sitting around for a little while longer I decide to go home.

Once I get home I sit in my car for a few minutes. I really don't want to go inside and see my dad because if he brings up taking a year from school I will flip.

When I get inside my dad is sitting watching television. I go up to my room and fall onto my bed.

Back at the cafe, that was embarrassing. Not only did the attractive guy- wait, Ashton, catch me staring at him, he had also come to 'save' me basically from those girls, and then I awkwardly attempt to talk to him.

I find it weird I think he's attractive. I mean, the way he acted and the way he looks he just- why am I even thinking about this? I'm never going to see him again.

My dad knocks on my door and I quietly groan.

"Come in." I say.

"Hey Em." He smiles. "Can I talk to you about your trip?"

I groan again and he sits down.

"I'm not here to try and get you to go or anything, I just have one question." He says.

"Which is.." I reply, urging him to continue.

"You're going to be traveling alone and I don't know if you've thought this through.. How are you going to handle your anxiety? Are you sure you don't want to see about getting medication?" He asks.

"How many times have I told you in not going to take any medication. I'll figure it out myself." I respond.

Honestly, I'm terrified about how bad my anxiety might get. But I've always wanted to do traveling like this, I'm not letting anxiety stop me from another thing in my life.

"Alright." He smiles. "Goodnight Em."

"Night." I reply.

He gets up and leaves my room.

I decide on pulling out my sketchbook. I just doodle, not really knowing what to draw.

During my drawing I get a text from Brit.

'I hope you're ready to spend a week with me'

'can't wait' I reply.

I drop my phone beside me on my bed and continue drawing.

Once I finish I realize it's just past one in the morning so I guess I should get some sleep.


hiii so I hope this is ok the first few chapters are gonna be gross I'm sorry

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