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"He's here? Good, I think she'll need a bit of cheerful company" my eyes were too heavy so I just listened to the voices. "I'll go grab him, she's waking up I think" I think that was Nat. "Thanks, you sure you're okay, that was quite a blow?" definitely Tony. "I'll be fine". Finally I force open my eyes and I see Tony sitting on a chair by the bed I was lying in. He instantly takes notice and stands up. "Good mornin' sunshine, that was quite a show" he says sarcastically but gives me a concerned look. A headache pounds through my skull as I push myself up onto my elbows. "Sorry bout that" I mutter and he nods slightly. "Don't worry, you're not being blamed, I know a panic attack when I see one. Are you ok?" he almost sounded like a worried dad.

I smile to myself. "Fine. How's Natasha?" I ask and he chuckles. "Salty but surviving, I don't think she'll hold a grudge" his words sound amused and I grin. "Peter's here by the way, he called me saying you two were friends now... I'm not sure when you managed to get the time to do that" he raised an eyebrow at the last statement and I fall back to the pillow, staying silent. "Hm. I saw you sneaking out, but you came back which surprised me. Maybe I was too quick to judge you" I look back up at him when as he speaks. Before I can answer, the door opens. "Y/n! Are you ok? Hi Mr Stark, sorry I took so long, I had to get past May and-" Peter bursts in, rambling.

"It's fine kid, I'll leave you two alone for a bit" Tony stands up and pats Peter's shoulder before exiting. "I'm fine" I reply to Peter's previous question. "What happened? Mr Stark called and told me you had been knocked out and your powers were all like wooo and threw Miss Romanoff across the room" I can barely understand him. "I don't really know" I admit. He looks at me worriedly before sitting down on Tony's previous chair. "Do you feel okay?" he presses. I nod calmly, seeing he was calming down. "That's good. Mr Stark and I were talking and he said that when you're not training you should come and meet my friends because we're your age" he explains and my eyes widen. I couldn't be getting attached to too many people. "That's probably not a good idea, I'm not really a people person".

"Perfect, neither are they. I promise if you don't like them you don't have to see them again" he grins at me and I can't help a small smile creeping onto my lips. "What are their names?" I ask, giving in to the idea but knowing my boundaries. I would have to stay distant. "Michelle and Ned are the friends I want you to meet" he replies. I think for a second then sigh. "Fine". We continue to talk for a while before Tony reappears in the doorway. "Hey kid, May just rung, you need to head back. Don't worry you guys can catch up later. I need to talk with y/n" he says to us and we both nod. Peter gives me a quick unexpected hug and starts to leave. "Bye y/n! See ya Mr Stark" I smile and wave and Tony nods, also smiling.

"How you feeling?" he asks once Peter's gone. "Fine" I reply, standing from the bed. Tony tenses, as if expecting me to fall or pass out. Nothing happens and he relaxes. "We managed to get a blood sample while you were unconscious, but we're getting no results" he says and I raise an eyebrow, confused. "No results?" I repeat and he shrugs. "It would seem your blood is unidentifiable. Whatever that means. I thought you were originally human before you got dragged into that mutation camp" he states, slightly distrusting. "I was" my statement sounds more confident than I feel. The whole situation confused me, why would my blood be unidentifiable? I tried to remember anything being off before I was taken by the people running the mutant creating place. But my memories remained blurry, odd. 

"Well your blood would be human then. It's not though, which would lead me to believe that either you're lying or you don't know yourself as much as you thought you did" he studies me thoughtfully before gesturing to the door, as I pass him I fight the urge to strangle him. But something stopped me. If I killed him now I would most likely die in the process. He needed to trust me. I walk out the door and see Hawkeye and Steve talking, Tony stands beside me and they both look up. "What are you?" Clint asks straight away. "Human?" I respond cautiously. "Yeah doesn't seem that way" I could hear the suspicion in his voice as he spoke. I'd have to avoid him. I act slightly frightened. Steve puts a hand on Clint's shoulder and looks at me. "Stop Clint, you're scaring her. She's probably just as confused as us" oh we love a gullible patriot. 

"I am human. I have to be, what else could I be?" I say, keeping panic out of my voice. I felt a genuine concern for what was going on, I was human, wasn't I? "I'm not doubting that you are kid, but your blood doesn't read so naturally everyone's a little confused" I instantly recognise Steve trying to calm me and it somehow works. "Yeah, I get it. Sorry, I got a but defensive there. Hawkey- or Clint, I believe I'm human and that's all I know" I take a deep breath and turn to Tony. "Can I go for a walk? I'll come back, I promise" he seems to consider my question before sighing. "Only if Nat goes with you, for your safety, I don't trust you going alone" his words slightly irritate me but I just nod. 

A few minutes later, Natasha and I start a walk down the path leading off from the compound. "So, crazy blood?" her words don't come off as rude, more curious. "Mhm. Not sure what it means though, maybe just a misreading" I answer bluntly. "Sorry, by the way, for my powers throwing you across the room" I add as an afterthought, she looks at me and nods once. "Apology accepted. You do need to get that power under control though, but we're all willing to help" she replies and I stare at the ground. Why was everyone so understanding and caring here? It made it so much harder to kill them. We continue the small conversation as we walk down the path. Somehow I form a friendship I never thought I'd form. A friendship with the Black Widow. 

They Start Young//MCU (Reader x Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now