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2 weeks later
Zions POV
It's been a few weeks since we found out about aaliyah's medical problem. I told my mom about it and she took well and told me to watch out for her. They shipped her stuff down here and she's staying with me in my room. We didn't give her own room because I have to keep a good eye on her and help her with her disorder. As for her anxiety attacks she hasn't had any ever since but she knows what calms her down, she hasn't told me but she said when she has one she'll go to it. While I was in my room on my phone scrolling through my feed liking some fan edits and stiff like that until I decided to go live and talk to the BEANZ  about aaliyah since they keep sending her hate for no damn reason.
"Hey guys I just wanted to address this to all the beanz that have been talking about my little sister, 1st of all yall shouldn't be treating her like that she is the one who keeps me going and if you don't like her then gladly unfollow me but don't be posting shit about her, secondly she isn't my kid she's my little sister who I love and adore and even if she was my kid I will gladly block you because she's one 6 for the love of God do you guys not understand what the he'll she's going through, and lastly if you guys hate her that much then yall can fuck off she makes me happy and has the right to be with me so yall can go fuck off and to all the Beanz who have been nothing but loving to her in that yall so much and appreciate it as for the rest of you fuck off" I say as I end the live I heard my door open revealing aaliyah "did you mean that bubby everything you said do I really make you happy and keep you going" she says walking towards me "ofc mamas your my inspiration no other girl has my heart except you mamas" I say opening my arms as she runs into my my arms and says "I love you bubby you make me happy and I'm glad your my brother and all I know is that if mama never adopted me I would be miserable, you guys saved me from a place that I hated from day 1 and when I have my anxiety attacks, the only thing that stops them is you bubby" she says as I smile at her "what do you mean I stop them" I ask her "whenever I get an anxiety attack I think of you and it stops but it doesn't stop but it goes down, the number one thing that relaxes me all the way is when you sing my favorite song it's like God sent you to be my protector" she says making me tear up "well I'm glad he chose me mamas I couldn't be happier" I say kissing her cheek repeatedly making her laugh "bubby stop" she say pushing my face away trying to get out of my grip "where you trying to go" I say tightening my grip "away from you" she says turning her body when she got out of my grip "nope" I say grabbing her hand throwing on her bed as she squeals and land half of my body on her "I give up you win" she says patting my cheek "it's ok mamas" I say laying beside her on my side facing her while she lays on her back "bubby do you think I'll be made front of because I'm bony" she asks lifting dryer shirt rubbing her stomach "ofc course not mamas your a beautiful little girl and your gonna stay that way" I say pulling her closet to me while I wrapped my arm over her stomach rubbing it "your beautiful mamas okay just because you have a disorder doesn't mean it changes my opinion about you okay your beautiful and my opinion will never change" I say as she yawn snuggling into my shirt "go sleep mamas I'm right her" I say as she looks up to me "I love you bubby" she says kissing my cheek "I love you to mamas". "Can you sing for me" she ask looking up at me "what song mamas?" "You know which one." She says I nod as she scoots up so she face to face with me I start singing kiss you in the morning which became her favorite song when I was playing random songs, she fell in love with it and learned the words, as I was about to end it she wraps her arm around my neck and puts her face in the crook of my neck I look down and kiss her cheek rubbing her back while closing my eyes to sleep to.

I woke up to someone screaming my name and someone screaming. I jumped up and ran downstairs to see Aaliyah screaming on the floor while the boys were trying to help her. "We tried to calm her down but she said your the only thing that helps" Brandon says I nod and pick up aaliyah and sit down with her in my arms on the couch "shhh mamas calm down" she didn't stop and u knew what to do "mamas look at me" she looked up and calmed down but her breathing was still heavy so I started singing her favorite song while looking her in the eyes. "I kiss you in the morning, kiss you in the evening, lay by you when your sleeping. my baby. I give you all my love and trust with my heart and, stand by you when your down. I'll be around. Far and away, thoughts of you. And only you. My baby. Ooh ooh ooh. To know love me,  is something special, brings this feeling deep in me that only you and I can see. Oh how our love was meant, to be yea. To know you love me is something special, brings this feeling deep in me that only you and I can see oh how our love was meant, to be yea. So I kiss you in the morning, kiss you in the evening. Lay by you when your sleeping. My baby. I give you all my love and. Trust you with my heart and. Stand by you when your down. I'll be around. Far and away. Thoughts of you and only you. My baby. Ooh ooh ooh" I end it while looking her in the eyes and see she was still breathing a little heavy as she started putting her head down and her breathing picks up "no keep your eyes on me mamas ok I'm here and you have nothing to be afraid of ok" she nods and all the boys come and sit around us and turns the TV on, she turns towards the TV and leans against back rest the back of her head against my shoulder. "How'd you know that would work?" Austin asks "it's her favorite song and she told me that the only thing that can stop her attacks is me". "Well it did help because she sound asleep on your shoulder" he says pointing to her, I look down and see her head turned the other way against my shoulder asleep. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room laying her on the bed so she can rest. I lay there with her laying on my arm while I was thinking about what her ethnicity could be. We never really knew what her ethnicity was because because they didn't tell us when we adopted her. I'm pretty sure she's Hawaiian because she likes Hawaiian music and  prefers to drink this drink made out of bananas instead of soda. I think we're gonna get her a dna test and see what her ethnicity are. She could be mixed like me or full hawaiina lie how edwin's Dominican.

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