The Live

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Aaliyahs POV
Zion gave me his phone while he was rehearsing for tour that's starting soon. He said I could go on whatever because well I'm only five so what am I gonna find on here that I'll understand so I just went live. I started reading comments, some were mean but I didn't acknowledge them.

"Hi guys how's it going" I say with a smile reading comments. 'aww she's so cute' 'eww it's that brat' 'omg his sister is so fucking adorable'. I read the last comment and laughed "thank you I'm sure your just as adorable as me" I smiling really wide. I seen that ceraadi had joined and I said hi to them because we met when they came for a party. I saw zi staring off in the distance so I ran to him.

I ran with his phone and since he was kneeling down I slapped his cheek and the live caught it, he snapped out of his trance and I started laughing as he ran after, since I have small legs he scooped me up pretty quickly from behind so my back was against him and he put his face in my neck tickling me "stop it bubby that tickles" I say laughing and he sees I'm live.

"Are you live on my phone" he says and I nod showing him so he's in the camera and one the comments said to pose for a screenshot "bubby they want us to pose for a screenshot" I say and he nods holding me so our faces were next to each other and smiled, at some point I grabbed his cheek and we both were looking at each other and I kissed his nose making him laugh.

He set me down and went back to rehearsing then they took a break and I set his phone up against the wall and sat in front of it. Since it was hot my hair was straightened and I was wearing one of Zions shirts then down passed my knees since I'm really short with some shorts under and my white Adidas. The shirt was white and it looked like a night gown on me so I was running around looking like i was in pajamas.

I sat on the floor when Zion came back tickling me a little and I looked up at him and he kissed my cheek. All the boys came over and sat next to me, I got bored so I ended the live and just made random trillers  with the boys joining occasionally. I did it to the songs 'envy me', 'going bad', and 'splashin' and it was funny because nick joined in on of the videos and did the most girliest moves ever created.

We all went to McDonald's and I don't like it that much but I was hungry so o got a Happy meal. We sat at the tables that are high up so me being the shirt person I am tried to climb it but couldn't and zi watched me struggle before laughing and lifting me up setting em on the table. I rubbed my eyes because we had been up since 5 in the morning and it's now 4 in the afternoon. "You tired mamas" zi asked me putting his his arms on either side of me and leaning closer to me. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder with my over his shoulder and my other arms are n his chest.

He put his arms around me and whipped out his phone while I stared off into space. I looked at these two girls sitting in a booth a few seats down, I knew they were fans because they whipped out their phones and recorded me as I smiled and waved at them, I laughed and they smiled. I tapped zi and told him "bubby I think those girls are fans" I say to him "you wanna meet them" he asks and I nod "wave them over here", he says and I lay my head back facing them

I motioning my hand towards me and they point at them, I nod and they get up walking to us as Zion tells the boys and they watch them come over I sit up and they all were shy and I reached out to one of them and played with a strand of their hair "don't be shy, I wanna meet you guys" I say to her and she smiles "what's your name" I asked the girls "I'm kenya and this Margot" she says and I tap Zion and he stands me on the chair making sure I won't fall.

Kenya walks to me and I hug her as her friends Margot records us. She pulls back and I kiss her cheek and I point at her and Kenya tells her to come. She steps to me and I hug her as well and kiss her cheek as well. The boys all watch the seen go down and smile at how cut it was. The girls take pictures with me and I kiss those cheeks as they do the same with the boys.

They thanked us and left and nick had bright our food. I sat back on the table with my legs criss crossed. I ate my burger and fries while Zion ate a whole big Mac. I ate my yogurt and got a toy that I wasn't gonna play with at all. The boys were still eating except for me and zi so I leaned on him again and fell asleep on his shoulder. He picked me up and took me the car and craddled my small body.

If your wondering I barely eat because I still have an eating disorder meaning when I eat certain foods I have to throw it up because I can't digest it. So I'm a little bony but the doctors say I have to eat more meat to gain a little weight, for a six year old I only weigh 18 pounds when am average six year old weighs about 30 pounds or more, but since I have a disorder I have digest a lot of food that has fat. I gain a little weight but another thing about this is that I can eat as much as I want and won't gain weight.

My anxiety attacks have died down and i haven't had one since the we got me a DNA test. Zion is still there for me and is still talking with Lydia  Austin's with Ansley, brandon and Maggie seem to have a thing going on and the 360 fam still comes over. My bestfriends Haley diamond and Sammi still visit me and as for malu and analisse they e tried to come at me but I shove a whole gang that will take a bullet for me, I don't want them to but they will do something about malu. Ever since she pushed me in the pool I've had to go into surgery.

We're back at home and I just woke up and it's now 11:45 at night. I knew I was gonna be up and I told Zion I wanted to go back in the trampoline. We did t take it down because we were gonna come back so here we are just laying on the trampoline. I was laying in Zions arms craddled by him and we we're just watching SpongeBob. After a while I did fall asleep and I could feel Zion kissing my lips every once in a while.

Yes I kiss him on the lips because if little girls do it to their dads then I can do it with my big brother. We always kissed eahc other on the lips and people have found disturbing or thought he was a pervert but every kid does it with their parents so bye.

(A/n I've done this my whole life and I still do it and I'm 15)

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