it hurts me more when you hurt him

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Mandys POV
I went to go pick up zion in the morning and as soon as he got in the car he threw a whole tornado of questions at me. "Mom what's going on" he asks "I'll tell you later, when we get home go take a nap and when you wake up come downstairs I'm gonna go pick up kekeli" I say he nods his head and we make it home. He takes his stuff in the house and I go pick up kekeli.

Zion's POV
I had no idea why my mom flew me out here but I knew it had something to do with aaliyah. When my mom dropped me off I took my bag upstairs to my old room and went to go find aaliyah and elom. I checked eloms room but he wasn't there, I finally checked aaliyah's room to find them both cuddled up asleep. I walked over to them and woke them up. They woke up and elom gave me hug while aaliyah sat there rubbing her eyes. She looked up at me and smiled while I sat down and hugged her on the bed, as I was about to hug her she bolted up towards me knocking me over on her bed while she kissed my face non stop making me laugh "hey mamas" I say making her stop "hey bubby" she says I let her go and lay on her bed she gets in next to me and calls elom to lay with us. All three of us lay there in a comfortable silence. I feel my eyes get heavy I turn on my side and wrap my arm around her stomach as she turns to wrap her arm around eloms neck, I kiss her shoulder and lay down laying my head against her back while elom wraps an arm around her waist snuggling into her. At this point all three of us were cuddling falling asleep in peace as we all layer on the bed in each other's embrace, it felt weird but it was the way we felt when we were with her.

Mandys POV
I had picked up kekeli and drove home. When we got home I checked their rooms for elom and zion but didn't see them so I walked to aaliyah's room to see all three of them cuddled up on her bed asleep. I closed the door at the scene but was still pissed for what he did. I waited for them to wake up as I went to my room and did a couple things as Kekeli walked into my room. "Mom why are we here". "Your brother did something that threw me over the bridge" I say "what happened" she asks "he put his hands on aaliyah which made her scared for her life so she cut her arms until she was unconscious" I say turning around and see her getting mad "I'm beating his ass" she says walking out the room.

Everyone was finally awake so we were all in the living room sitting down until I spoke up.

Zion's POV
"Zion what happened to aaliyah while she was down there" my mom asks looking at me "nothing happened what do you mean" I say playing stupid which is bad because I'm gonna get my ass beat for what I did to aaliyah. "Zion now is not the time to lie what did you do to her" she asks serious as I took a deep breath "I went out after we had celebrated our birthday and got drunk and I didn't come back until the day after, when I came home aaliyah was awake and I tried to touch but she moved away from me. It triggered me so I yelled at her and slapped on her face she tried getting away but I grabbed by her hair and pinned her to the ground and slapped her. I didn't know that made her want to cut herself until she blacked out" I say as a tear slid down my face. I felt someone touch my hand. I looked down and saw aaliyah holding my hand, she rubbed it and kissed it while laying her head against my shoulder. My mom and Kekeli were mad on the other hand and elom just seemed to be disappointed but not as much as my mom and Kekeli. Kekeli walked up to me and said "I'm disappointed but I'm not mad but don't ever touch our little sister like that caleb you damn well not to drink around her, especially when we aren't there" she says I nodded and she gave me a hug. My mom walked up to me and slapped the shit outta me making me my face facing away as I rubbed the spot on my face. I saw aaliyah flinch when I got slapped and felt her don't again "mom" she slapped me again.

Aaliyah's POV
When I saw zion get slapped I flinched at how mama was acting, she kept slapping him and I couldn't take it anymore until she was going to do it again I got up and jumped on his lap and caught her hand while I cried "p-please mama d-don't do it a-again" I cried out loud, I looked at zion and saw him with his eyes closed I cupped his face as he opened his eyes liking at me I turned back around facing mama "he didn't mean it mama please stop hitting him, please mama I hate it. Yes he did make me go through that and he did make a mistake but please stop hitting him mama it hurts me more to see you slapping him, please mama please just stop it" I say trying to breath. I hated seeing him get beat up yes he did hit me, yes he did make a mistake, and yes he did terrify me but him getting beat up hurts me more then anything. My heart broke when she slapped him it hurt more than when I cut my wrists because I love him with my whole heart and when she slapped him it's like she tore my heart out and I hated very second of it. Mama put her hand down and caressed my cheek "I will baby I'm sorry it's just he did the wrong thing" she explained "I'm fine now mama hitting him hurts me more than me cutting my wrists" I say turning towards zion rubbing his cheek "bubby are you ok" I ask him as he lifts his head showing his tears. I wiped his tears and hugged him tightly "im ok mamas I'm just hurt" I look at mama sad speak up "please guys don't hurt him because he hurt me, what hurts me more is when you hurt him I love him and hurting him in front of me is just go na hurt me just as much so please mama if he makes a mistake please don't hit him" I say as tears stream down my face. They nodded and I went upstairs to my room and sat in a corner. I didn't know what was happening but it was making breathing pick up I scooted towards the corner brought my knees against my chest and cried which turned into me screaming. I kept seeing him the person who made me feel like a doll, the person who hurt me the most.

My own father

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