you got issues

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Ever since the day I couldn't talked I've been overwhelmed recently zion made me an instagram with mom's permission after I had got outta the hospital. I have over 60k followers and I haven't talked in five months. The doctors said I could talk but ever since zion made my instagram I've been receiving hate. Like I'm afu e year old girl why am I being hated on I barely even go on the app now. I have met the zion and the others boys friends and they all love except some girl named malu . I don't know why nor do I care but it's whatever. I'm recently in the living room of the PM since I'm staying with the band for a week here. I started school and we're on summer break and mom said I could spend it with zion. I am sitting in the living watching sponge Bob and I haven't eaten a lot. The boys haven't noticed since I am always wearing hoodies or I always pretend to eat things. I was home with duane one of the boys friends looking after me while the boys were at the studio. I thought about going to their studio they have downstairs and just Dance since that has always calmed me down. " hey duane I'm gonna go to the studio downstairs to check it out " I wrote on the board while jumping on the couch. " alrite cutie cmon I'll come with you so I don't have to worry" I nod as we walk to the studio. He plugs in his phone and hands it to me while I play my favorite song to freestyle to. Never goin broke by HBK gang. I play the song and I let the beat take over my body. I close take a deep breath and start free styling  while I focus on myself in the mirror with a serious face I watch my every move and correct any steps or change it up. I had been dancing to so many songs that I didn't even notice that all the boys including their friends were all there watching me. The only one who seemed uninterested was malu. I finally felt better and turned around to see everyone's phone on me. I jumped at the sight of everyone there scaring the living shit outta me. I know I ain't suppose to be cussing but how am I supposed to be innocent if I live with five boys that start cussing up a storm ever 2 minutes. Zi doesnt care but when he find out he told me he didn't care I just don't write it in front of mom or when she's around. Ever since I became a younger version him. I grabbed my board and wrote " yall scared the living he'll outta me" I turn the board towards them and they all burst out laughing except malu who's presence I don't acknowledge. I hug everyone and give haley, diamond, and Sammi a long hug. They think of me as their little sister and I think of them as my older sisters but Kekeli will always be my care bear. Duane, neviah, the bell twins, and all the 360 fam are the family ic ouldnt have been happier with. The only person zion brought in here that ruined it was that little barbie doll malu. But I get I to details later right now everybody hyping me up while I'm freestyling to all the boys song. They're recently playing baby shark remix and I'm freestyling hitting all the beats and bass drops. I finished my freestyle but spinning and jumping in the air then landing and busting it down. " wow your loves are fire Ali you want to learn the dance to our songs" edwin's asks. I see in the corner of my eye malu is yelling at zion for something then points at me. Zion looks at me but I quickly turn my head. I then grab my board and write " I already know it" and show it to edwin. He smiles and calls all the boys except zion to the floor. They play would you mind and we start doing the choreography to  would you mind, we get to the part where we all freestyle. Everyone makes a circle first was nick then Austin then Brandon then edwin and lastly me. While I had finished my freestyle we all went upstairs leaving zion and malulu downstairs so she can throw her tantrum in peace. While we went upstairs edwin decided to go live while I was sitting with haley Diamond and Sammi. " aaliyah come here baby" haley calls me over to them, I run to them and jump on her lap. She grabs her phone and pulls up this app that allowsbyou to type while a voice repeats what you tyoed and hands to me. She always does this since everyone knows I haven't talked in five months they all have their resources to communicate with me. " what's up hayes" I type. "I wanna ask you something" I nod and she looks at diamond and Sammi then back at me "do you like the fact that zion's dating malu" I widen my eyes and type "their dating?" She nods and I instantly get sad cause he told me he didn't like her and he never will but he just had to lie to me. Zion comes storming in while malu still yelling at him I quickly look at them pointing upstairs and they get up and go upstairs with me. Th ey sit me on th e bed and I typed "I don't wanna be around him right now he lied to me about his relationship with malu he said he doesn't like her and never will, I thought I was trustful but apparently I'm not as I thought I was" a tear slid down my cheek but I wiped it. The girls noticed and group hugged me. Zion then stormed in his room and slammed the door making me squeal and hide behind diamond. He walks into the bathroom and slams the door again. Malu also comes up and I tried to go out but she pulls my arm and slaps the shit outta my face  "you little brat you deserve to be in an orphanage because all you want is attention" she says and pushes me on the bed. I start crying and run to Sammi and stuff my face in her chest while she's comforting me. Meanwhile haley and diamond are about ready to beat her ass while e zion comes out he beaks them apart and sees me crying he turns me towards him while my hands are still on my face. He moves them away and see I have a handprint on my cheek and a scratch above my eye from her Edward scissor hands over there. He turns around and pins malu towards the wall "you don't ever put your hands on my sister ever, if you ever so called touch her again next time I wont stop them from beating your ass am I clear" she nods in fear and he end their relationship. She grabs all her stuff and runs out the house. Meanwhile I'm still terrified of my own brother son ran doest airs to the closest person witch was duane and jump on him while crying. He catches me rubs my back while I cry my life out. Once I was done I pulled back and everyone's all around me maki ng sure I'm okay. Haley, diamond, sammi, and zion come downstairs and zion comes to me and tries to grab me but I hug duane tighter due to me still scared. He then rubs my back which tells me he's calmed down  I hug him while he's still runs my back "I'm sorry mamas I should've told you in the first place I promise you I will never let anyone touch you like that, I love you mamas I sorry and I hope your forgive me" I hug him tighter and nod at him stating that I forgave him. He kisses my cheek and takes me to the bathroom. I sit on the counter waiting for zion to come in. He finally walks in and cleans up my scratch which hurt like a bitch. Then applies aloe vera to my cheek that was red and changes my hoodie and puts me in one of his and let me remind you that shit makes me look hella fat but it's comfortable. We go back downstairs and he lays down on the couch and moves so that his back bis facing the opening of the couch and I'm laying against the back of the couch. I lay my head against his chest with my arm over his neck while he rubs my arm. Before I closed my eyes I heard the click of a camera and a flash in my eyes. I then close my eyes again and snuggle I to zion's big ass hoodie while he throws an over me securely and kisses my cheek before falling asleep along with everyone else.

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