pure sickness 2

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Zions POV
I was in the living room on the couch playing fortnite when I yelled to loud. I knew I woke up Aaliyah or Lydia because the boys left an hour ago to do some shit. I was turned off the game and saw Aaliyah walk out rubbing her eyes towards me. She climbed on the couch and leaned me while I petted her head "morning bubby" she says with a hoarse voice "morning mamas, you feeling better" I ask "yea my stomach and thought still hurts tho" she says "it's okay it'll get better c'mon you gotta eat something" I say grabbing her hand walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bow and some fruity pebbles and poured some in a bowl. I added the milk and put it in front of her, I picked her head up so she was looking at me and she smiled at me and I smiled back at her. While she was eating the boys walked through the door holding bags I'm guessing they got from the mall, they put it in the front and walked to Aaliyah "hey Aaliyah you feeling better" nick asks and she nods while he hugs her along with everyone else they've all been fighting about who's her favorite so I knew they was gon ask her "Aaliyah whos your favorite me, nick, Edwin, or Austin" Brandon asks her and she looks at me.

"Austin" I say and he lets out a victory cheer while the other three are offended, she finishes her bowl and I are from her while she stands on the chair motioning for them to come closer she grabs each of their faces and kisses them on the cheek "just because he's my favorite doesn't mean I don't love you guys, I mean I had a tiny crush on Edwin when I first met you guys" she says and they all tease her "you sure it was a tiny crush" Brandon asks tickling her side "okay it was a big crush but c'mon look at this baby face" she says holding Edwin's face as he stands there with his hands in his pocket smiling while the other boys laugh.

"Aww you liked little Eddy" Austin's says teasing her "leave me alone" she says slapping his hand away "aww how cute" Nick says and she just stands there looking down "do you still like him" Brandon asks and she stays quiet and we all tease her "awww Ed she still likes you" I say and she just stands there looking down, Ed gives her a kiss "it's okay liyah I think your cute" he says pinching her cheek and she hugs him jumping on him while he's laughing.

We walk into the living room and Aaliyah sits with Edwin and nick asks her "you still mad at me for putting on a scary movie", he asks "no I forgive you" she says and they both high five. We all decided to have a just dance contest so we wrote all the song names and out it in the bowl. Lydia had woke up and greeted he boys, they all met her when we were in Senegal so their pretty close. The whole gang was over to watch this go down.

Aaliyahs POV
Brandon was first and and he got call me maybe by carly Rae jepson and lemme tell you it was quite funny and entertaining if I'm being honest and everyone was laughing. Next was Edwin and he got the time of my life from the movie dirty dancing and he had to do it with a partner so he did it with me, it got to the part where he had to pick me up and I was scared for my life. When it ended he kissed my cheek while I was still in the air while everyone cheered.

Next up was Nick and he got bailando by Enrique Iglesias and he needed a partner so he did with alexys and it was so cute to watch. They ended the song and it was so turn and he got rock n roll by daft punk and he was good and I think he was trying to impress Lydia and if he was it was impression her alright. He ended it and Lydia was smiling like really big. It was finally me and I got no speak Americano which has a lot of footwork involved.

The song started and it got the part where i had to start start doing foot work and it was quite easy to get down. They all thought it was impressive so they were getting kind of loud at this point. I ended it and I obviously won considering I hit all the loves and mastered footwork. Since I won they all said they have a punishment so I said they have to let me dump water on them. I didn't tell them what type of water because it was gonna be ice cold water. I had Izzy, Ansley, Maggie, and alexys help me. Izzy had Edwin Ansley had austin Maggie had Brandon alexys had Nick and I had Zion. They all decided to take off their shirts because they thought I was gonna pour room temperature water on them, ha gotcho ass.

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