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Mara's POV
I'm currently in New York City. I have been here for years. I personally like it here. There's always something new to do. 

I head to my favorite bar. I go here every day because there's always a new guy to torment.
I get there and I'm sitting at my favorite stool. I order some bourbon. 

"Hello there pretty lady." A man says to me.
I turn and analyze his features. He has raven hair and piercing blue eyes. He was gorgeous.

"Hello, who are you?" I ask him flirtatiously.

"My name's Damon Salvatore. And who might you be?" He asks.

"Mara." I reply.

"Mara..?" He says.

"Alvison." I state.

"Well, Mara Alvison. What would you say if I told you that you're exactly who I'm looking for?" He says.

"I'd tell you that you're crazy." I reply.

"I've met Klaus." He says.

"What did you just say?" I question. I haven't heard the name of my half brother in years.

"You know the crazy original hybrid freak." He replies.

"Where is Niklaus?" I question.

"He's taken up residence in Mystic Falls, Virginia." He says.

"Well, why were you looking for me?" I ask.

"Because, if what I've gathered is correct, Klaus has your siblings. And he seems pretty fearful of your family. I'd love to give him a run for his money." He replies.

"I'm sorry I cannot help you." I state getting ready to leave.

"I know where he's keeping them." He tells me.

"Well, then if you know what's best for you then you'd tell me." I reply.

"Come with me back to Mystic Falls and I will." He states.

"Fine. I'm driving." I say and I leave with him trailing behind me.

"You're cute when you're being sassy." He says.

"Thanks, and you're just annoying." I state.

"So, why are you in New York?" he asks.

"Because it's a place where I cannot be bored. When I'm bored I get violent. Speaking of, if you think you can play a trick on me or set me up you are mistaken. If this is a trap I will rip your head off and everyone in Mystic Falls. Got it?" I warn.

"Got it." He says.
We get in his car and I drive off.

A few hours of meaningless chit chat and annoying flirty remarks have passed and I'm in Mystic Falls again. This is going to be interesting.

We get to the Salvatore Boarding House. It's quite large and very beautiful.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls." Damon says.

"So explain what you lot want from me." I tell them.

"We want your help killing Klaus." Damon says.

"He's the only one who knows where my family is." I state.

"Well, what if we knew someone who knew as well?" He states.

"Who?" I ask.

"Me." Elijah says.

"Lijah?" I ask.

"Yes, it's me." He replies.
I run to hug him.

"It has been too long." I say.

"Yes, far too long." He replies with a smile.

"Okay, enough of the reunion we need to move forward with the plan." Another man says.

"Relax, Stefan. We're going to do the plan." Damon says.

"What is this plan?" I ask.

"We're going to dinner with Klaus and Elijah. When the time is right, Elijah will wake your family and his. Then you all will strike against Klaus." Damon explains.

"Wait, so you really know where they are?" I ask.

"I do." He tells me

"I'm in."I state.

A few hours have passed by and I'm waiting for the cue from Elijah. I receive the text that indicates for me to go to the Mikaelson mansion.

When I arrive I see Stefan and Damon rushimg out.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Family of angry Originals kicking Klaus' ass." Damon replies proudly.

"Leave quickly. If the Mikaelsons are awake that means so are my brothers." I tell them.
I speed into the basement to see both of my brothers waking up.

"Aeron? Sammy?" I ask.

"Mara?" The ask in shock.

We run and do a group hug.

We pull away and go upstairs to make our entrance.

We hear Niklaus yelling.

"I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you." Niklaus shouts.

"Them? No." Aeron starts.

"But,us?" Sammy starts.

"Yes, you most certainly do." I finish.
The whole family turns to us in fear. Mostly Niklaus.

"A-Alvisons?" Niklaus stutters.

"In the flesh. No thanks to you of course." Aeron states.

"How are you my dear half brother?" Samael says with a sinister look in his eyes.

"I see you finally broke that dreadful curse. Such a shame, Esther really did a number on you with that one." I state.

Klaus glares at me.

"Don't be angry, Niklaus. We could be doing so much worse to you, so just take the sarcastic remarks." I tell him.

I turn away from Niklaus and see a face that I haven't seen in over a century.

"Kol." I state.

"Mar."He says using my nickname.
We hear the door open.

"Mother?" Rebekah gasps.
Esther steps inside and walks towards Niklaus.

"Look at me! Do you know why I am here?" Esther asks him.

"You're here to kill me." Niklaus says sadly.

"Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again." Esther states and shocks us all.

"All of us." She says looking at my siblings and I.

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