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I woke up still in the Gilbert house. My chest hurts but I'm alive so I guess my heart grew back.

I look and see Klaus staring at Kol's burnt corpse. I expected tears to come out but none came.

"How are you?" Klaus asks me.

"I'm fine. My chest hurts but that's it, I guess when your heart has to completely grow back it hurts." I tell him. He looks at me in shock and he looks me in the eye.

"You've flipped off your humanity." He says in shock.

"I guess I have." I tell him.

"That makes sense, Kol tied you to your humanity. When you two broke up you turned it off and when he came back you turned it back on." Klaus says.

"Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic." Tyler says as he struts inside the house.

"Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets." Klaus threatens.

"My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal. You too, Mara." Tyler threatens. I give him an emotionless look and I smirk

"Aw, is someone trying to avenge their mommy and their little pack? Sorry, love I cannot take you seriously considering you're making empty and pathetic threats. I wonder what your mom would say to this? Oh well, I guess we'll never know now would we? Because she's dead." I taunt.

He charges at the barrier but I snapped his neck with my magic.

"His voice gets annoying very quickly." I state.

"You're still here? What are you doing?" Caroline ask Tyler as she marches into the house.

"His neck was snapped for quite sometime. He needed the beauty sleep." I replied to her.

"Mara, how are you doing?" She asks me.

"I'm completely fine, Caroline. I mean what else would you expect from someone who's lost the only man she's ever truly loved in her thousand year lifetime. Come on, try not to confirm the dumb blonde myths." I snap.

"What happened to you?" She asks me with a hurt expression.

"She lost the love of her life to your little group of friends. She did what any of is would do in her situation, she turned off her humanity." Klaus tells her.

"That's unfortunate but it's not like we care, Klaus." Tyler says.

"Come on, Tyler. Show some sympathy." Caroline tells him.

"They destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of their misery until I can kill them both myself." Tyler snaps.

"Fine. You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse." Caroline says gesturing to Kol's burnt body. She finds a table cloth in a cabinet and she and Tyler use it to cover up Kol's body. I use my magic and I bring his body away from them.

"Don't touch it." I state. They both back up from the body.

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even. Call Bonnie. Get her to let us out of here." Klaus says.

"I will never, ever, help you." Caroline states.

"How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter. Or even the night you spent with my sister and I, right before your friends murdered my brother." Klaus states.

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