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I woke up and Kol was gone.

I got ready and trudged downstairs. I wore all black because I was not happy about what all had occurred yesterday.

When I walk downstairs I see that no one is home. I leave to go get some french fries from the grill.

As I'm walking out of the grille with a bag of french fries, I feel someone sneak up behind me. I turn around and see the elder Salvatore brother.

"Damon." I greet.

"Mara, just the witch, werewolf, vampire tribrid I was looking for." He says with a smirk.

"I'm the only tribrid. What did you need, Damon? Can't you see that I'm grieving and trying to eat away my problems?" I reply.

"We have an issue. The council took Elena, Stefan, and Rebekah. I think they're planning on killing them." Damon informs me.

"Elena is still alive?" I ask.

"She died with my blood in her system." He tells me.

I let out out a sigh and we head to the Gilbert house.

I'm not invited in so I stayed outside while Damon, the sheriff, and some girl named Meredith spoke.

"They're gone. Whoever nailed Rebekah, took them too. Please tell me you have something. Anything." Damon says.

Meredith walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"I can't. The Council locked Carol and me out of our offices. Files, computers, everything." Sheriff told us.

"So, the Mayor and the Sheriff never contemplated a backup plan, Liz?" Damon questions.

"Damon, relax. When Caroline called to say she got away; did she know where they were planning to take her?" Meredith asks.

"No. Just that she was in some van in the middle of nowhere and she managed to escape." Liz replies.

"Perfect. We've narrowed it down to nowhere." Damon sighs.

Matt enters the house.

"Hey, is Elena here?" Matt asks.

Damon turns around and rushes towards Matt. He grabs him by the throat and pins him up against a wall, choking him.

"In what world are you the one that gets to live?!" Damon questions angrily.

Meredith tries to pull Damon off of him.

"Damon!" I shout.

"Damon, stop! It wasn't his fault!" Meredith yells.

Damon still hasn't released Matt so I used my magic and flung Damon away from Matt, to a nearby wall.

"What the hell, Mara!?" Damon exclaims.

"I get that you're upset that Elena died, but you don't get to take it out on Matt. You know he would've died for her but she wanted to die for him. Besides, she's not even dead. She's transitioning, it could've been worse." I tell him.

"He should've been the one to die, not her." Damon says.

"Oh well! She decided for him to live, not her. You're lucky she's transitioning because otherwise she'd actually be dead." I state.

"Elena didn't want to be a vampire." Damon states.

"Well, she is one now. I can put her out of her misery if you'd like, or you all can suck it up and deal with it." I snap.

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