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happy thanksgiving!!

The next morning I wake up. I think I've sobered up enough. I realize that I'm in a bedroom that's foreign to me and I'm naked. I turn towards the naked body laying next to my own and I see the elder Salvatore brother. Fuck.

I shake him awake. He opens up his eyes and smiles.

"Hello, pretty lady." He greets me.

"Damon, how drunk were we last night?" I ask.

"I wasn't that drunk actually. I knew exactly what was going on." He says with a smirk.

"Oh, god." I facepalm. Now I have to find out a way to walk home and still avoid everyone else in my  Original extended family.

I get up and I put on my dress from last night. Geez, he ripped it.

I walk downstairs with Damon following me. I see a very confused and slightly angered Elena.

"I was drunk I swear." I say as I vamp sped out of a very awkward conversation.

I arrive at the Mikaelson mansion. I enter the front door and I have to go through the living room so I pray that everyone else is still sleeping.

My luck, everyone is awake and in the living room, except Elijah,Finn, and Esther.

"Well,well,well, what do we have here?" Kol says with an annoyed expression.

"Where were you last night? We were worried something happened to you?" Aeron asks.

"What could've possibly happened, Aeron? I'm an immortal vampire, werewolf, witch tribrid that can't be killed?" I ask sarcastically.

"Who did you do it with?" Rebekah asks.

"No one of any of your concern's." I state.

"Omg a Salvatore!" Rebekah gasps.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I didn't." She says with a smirk. Klaus and Samael are snickering on the couch. Aeron looks disappointed. Rebekah looks proud. Kol looks angry.

"Look, Aeron, while we were stuck in a box with a stopped heart, our little sister has become a strumpet. Come on Klausy I thought you would've watched out for her, it's the least you could've done." Samael states, amused.

"Ugh, you're all annoying me." I say as I storm off to change my clothes and shower.

When I come out Kol, Klaus, Samael, and Aeron have gone out for drinks at the grille. I just decided to meet up with them later. Kol is mad at me so it's best that I avoid him for the next hour or so.

Elijah went off with Rebekah to plan something. Apparently I was right, Esther was up to something. Good thing I didn't drink that champagne.

I have nothing to do, and I have no one to bother. I sigh I decide to watch T.V. for the next couple hours. I'm watching a reality  T.V. show about this family with a lot of drama. The show is called Keeping Up With The Kardashians. It seems like a pretty interesting family, it's almost as dramatic as my own. But I'm sure if their family has been around as long as mine then they'd probably have a lot more drama.

Hours have gone by. I receive a call from my one night stand.

"I really do not want to talk right now." I say.

"Well hello to you too." He says sarcastically.

"What did you need,Damon?" I ask.

"Where's Rebekah?" He asks.

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