Chapter 9

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Very quick note. Louis tweets a few days ago? Yikes, I cried a little. I'm a wimp. Besides that, I'm sorry I'f this chapter is going to shit. I'm having Insane writers block, I will probably add another chapter cause I get out of school early. YAY! But besides that, Enjoy the chapter!

-2 Weeks Later-

"Harry left the band? The famous boy band has recently being having 'creative differences' according to Liam Payne. We quote, "Harry didn't leave, he is simply having a hard time dealing with being a single parent is all. We are having 'creative differences' with the album as well. We still love him, he just dropped contact for a bit, we hope"" The words echoed inside my brain. We hadn't had creative differences at all. I left, and I left for good. It was for the best, they wouldn't want me with a kid now anyways. I was perfectly fine on my own, besides that I had cut myself twice. ONLY TWICE! It was because I was sad about leaving. I still am. I now sit In a hotel room, with my 4 year old daughter for the second week in a row. We weren't even close to England either. I had fled with Darcy to Los Angelos. It was for the best. I actually got disguises for us, we made minimal contact with the outside world. I wanted Darcy to have a normal life. A normal life, that was a joke. I'm Harry Styles. I will never get my daughter a normal life. Its just how it is. I at least wanted her to go to school or something. Have friends, have a stable father-daughter relationship with me. Or at least that's what I hoped.

I sat in the bathroom washing dye out my hair. I had just died it black, so it would help with hiding. I hadn't cut it, but it was shorter. I completely changed. I covered my noticeable tattoos, I cut and dyed my hair, I was cutting myself, I looked like one of those 'goth' kids from high school. It was awful. I kept Darcy the same. I didn't cut off her hair or anything. My daughter was perfect the way she was, the fans blew up my twitter. Telling me to come home. I didn't delete it, but I no longer used it, unless it was to check on the boys, but I didn't follow, unfollow, post, retweet. Anything in 2 weeks.  It was horrible, but It was for the best right?

"Daddy?" Darcy asked. I left the bathroom, rubbing my head with a towel.

"Yes babe?" I asked.

"You're on the t.v. All of them are." She said pointing to the telly. I sat her in my lap and turned up the volume

"I understand that you have some news for your fellow band mate Harry Styles and his 4 year old daughter, is that correct?" The host asked. The boys were standing in the middle of a park, holding microphones, surrounded by fans, as they were being interviewed.

"Yes, Harry, please if you see this come home. You don't even have to come home, just call, text, anything. We need to know your alright." Louis said looking directly into the camera.

"Yeah Harry, we love you so much, so do your fans. We need you." Zayn pipped up. It looked like Niall was about to cry, which broke my heart.

"Please Harry, we love you so much. The fans are worried, your mums worried, Gemma's worried, everyones worried, especially us." Liam said hugging Niall.

"WE LOVE YOU HARRY!" The fans and the boys all shouted unison. I shut off the telly quickly. Darcy's tiny arms wrapped around me, her head pressed onto my shoulder.

"Please daddy? I wanna talk to them. I miss them." She mumbled th last bit, but I could hear it loud and clear. I slowly pulled my phone out my pocket. I unlocked it and stared at the back round photo of Darcy, the boys, My mum, Gemma and I. I scrolled through my contacts


I slowly hit the call button. I seemed to be answered instantly.

"Harry?" My mum asked. Her voice was shaking, she  had been crying. I did this to my mum, I dropped off the face of the earth for 2 weeks.

"Darcy misses you." I quietly said. I heard an array of shouting in the back round, followed by sobs and laughs.

"Oh my god I'm so glad you two are okay." She sobbed.

"Its okay mum I'm fine. Can I talk to the boys?" I asked. Within 10 seconds I heard something that broke my heart.

"Hazza?" A broken Irish voice asked, I sighed.

"Nialler I'm okay, stop crying your gonna make me cry!" I chuckled nearly in tears.

"I can't help it, we miss you!" He giggled, yes, Niall Horan was giggling. I heard Niall shout.

"HARRY!" Louis shouted.

"Hi Louis, how are you?"

"We miss you! I'm sad!"

"I know, I'm sorry I left without warning, I really am."

"It's okay! Just call me when your flight lands!"

"What flight?"

"Your flight home silly!"

"Louis, I'm not coming home."


OHHH DAMN! Sorry If the chapters absolute bullshit, I know I said I wouldn't break them up, But... Just wait, Wait up with me here. I was listening to louis sing "Look After You" while writing this. I is sad now. Anyways let me have my moment for this,


Okay, I made my point lmao. I still ship Larry, Its harmless, I'm not sending him Larry tweets, and I'm not hating on him, calling him gay, mmmkay?  I LOVE Larry, and If Louis' girlfriend makes him happy, power to him. but Harry and Louis, are LARRY. Larry is what I wish I had with my best friend, don't take that away because of mindless haters, It's not worth it boys!

Anyways twitter: Hey_Vannah Tumblr: nommynoms519 (Don't ask how i came up with that, I had a fun health class lol)

One direction Dirty one shots is another thing I book, fanfict, thing I have, Okay this is getting to long.

Love you Styleroids :)

p.s oh my god 200+ reads? I now I have to sing one thing for making a bet with my bestieee she's starting to write so I'll post her nonsense somewhere when she does. Wow this is a really long authors note lol. Bye guys. MUUAH

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