Chapter 3

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I watched as Liam left with the boys into the back. I looked to left far corner of the little area. Darcy's backpack. I know its horrible to look through peoples things but, this is my daughter isn't it? I set Darcy down on the couch, and carefully tip toed towards the bag. I reached for the bag, it was pretty heavy for a 4 year old to carry. I unzipped the zipper and it was stuffed with things. Darcy's tiny clothes, paper, but what caught my eye the most was a photo album. I opened it carefully. It was stocked with pictures. The first one was Marie and I hugging, the same picture in the frame. I remembered when that photo was taken. We were walking around town that day. I had given her a necklace with a 'H' on that day. She loved it. The next picture was one of my favorites, it was the 2 of us on Christmas. We were both in Santa hats. We were under mistletoe and she stood on her tip toes to kiss me on the cheek. I smiled as tears brimmed along my waterline. I turned the page to see another set of pictures. One was a photo booth picture. We were being typical, lovestruck, teenage idiots making stupid faces to the camera. There was another picture of us wrapped in a towel at a pool. We were both soaked, and I was hugging her from behind. We were both laughing. God I missed her laugh and smile. A tear slipped out of my eye and dropped onto the plastic sheet covering the photos. I turned the page to see an ultrasound. It was titled "My Baby Girl". Another tear fell onto the book. There was another picture of Marie in a hospital gown, at the hospital, pointing to her stomach.I guessed she was in labor. Under it was a picture of Marie holding a very, very, tiny newborn, Darcy. Tears were flowing fluently down my cheeks. I let out soft whimpers. I went though the whole album but the last 2 pages tore me apart. There was a picture of Darcy and Marie sleeping in a hospital bed. Marie looked so pale and fragile. Like she could snap a bone If you hugged her too hard. Then there was a picture of Darcy kissing her mothers cheek as she slept, Darcy had tears in her eyes, so I guessed that was the last day of her life. On the last and final page, there was a letter or an invitation type thing.

Marie our Angel, has gotten her angel wings. She watches over her little angel, Darcy Anne. Marie was an amazing person, that always brought the joy to others. She will never be forgotten. A dear Daughter, Friend, and Extraordinary Mother. Marie Rose Sanders, born April 15 1994, Given wings, May 10 2015. We love you Marie.

I was heavily sobbing. I pushed the album off my lap and melted into a ball. I let out deep sobs. Darcy was asleep she couldn't hear me grieve. After crying for a good 5 minutes I looked up to see the boys with sorrow filled eyes. Louis sunk down next to me and cradled me in his arms.

"She can't be d-" I cut myself off with more heavy sobs and whimpers. Louis hushed me. Niall and Zayn were numb. Liam looked as if he was almost scared. I had never been like this before, ever. I sat up a bit leaning my head on Louis shoulder. I let out soft sobs before standing up.

"I'll be right back. Tell me if she wakes up okay?" I told them. They all nodded. I grabbed my phone & walked outside. I needed air. I needed to think. What else could I do? I scrolled through my phone til I found my mum's number. It rang twice before I heard her familiar voice.

"Mum?" I asked, still choked up

"My god Harry you sound horrible, are you alright?" She asked in a shocked tone. I let out a soft sob.

"Mum, Do you know Mrs. Sanders phone number?" I asked still choked up. She gave me the number. I eagerly called.

"Sander residence?"

"Umm Hi Amy." I replied. I heard a sigh on the other line.

"Harry? Is that you?" She asked. I mumbled yes into the phone.

"Where is Marie? I need to know." I begged.

"She's in Woodstir burial. She's right by the building Harry. Take all the time you need." Her mum replied choking up herself. I thanked her and walked to Woodstir. It was a very gloomy place. I hated cemeteries. I found Marie easily. She was covered in roses. Her favorite. I wish I brought a white one, like the one I gave her on our first date. God I missed that. I knelt at her stone. I started to cry.

"Hey stranger. Darcy looks like you too. She has your personality. Bright and bubbly, always happy." I began. I had so much I could tell her. "I never stopped loving you Marie, I never will either." I choked out. A tear fell on her flowers. "You don't deserve this, you should be with Darcy. She wants you. She misses you too. So do I. I don't know what to do. I can't do this without you. Why didn't you tell me before? Darcy is my kid too!" I shouted. I felt a rage of anger wash over me. Then the heavy sobbing returned. I ran my finger over the engraved letters of her name. "Why did you have to g-go!?" I half shouted, totally breaking down. I leaned against her stone. Weeping heavily and wiping my tears away. She told me not to get angry but, I had an exception. She hid my child from me! My phone vibrated in my pocket

"She's awake, and wants to know where her daddy is. She's also hungry, what should we give her?" Louis texted.

"Anything without nuts, no nut association at all okay? I'm no my way" I replied. "I'll take Darce here in a few weeks I promise okay?" I whispered. With that I walked back to the bus. We we're heading home tonight. How could I explain this to my parents. At least the boys were staying at mine the first few days.

I returned to the bus. It was in utter chaos. Liam and Zayn were playing CoD, Niall was eating, and Darce and Lou were being childish freaks. I shut the door rather loud and everything basically stopped. Darcy ran up to me. She lifted her arms up, signaling me to pick her up. So I did. She was very light.

"Daddy where'd you go?" She asked. I gave her a fake smile. I was crying over Marie on the inside.

"Just out, I wanted some air." I replied. Her tiny arms clung around my neck. She kissed my cheek, which actually made me smile. She reminded me so much of her mum.

"Dee? When do you go to bed usually?" Liam asked, being the Daddy Direction he is.

"umm 7:30 was when mummy put me to bed" She replied. You better believe that would change. We all looked at her.

"Yo Mama Strict! You're with the boys now and we say you go to sleep, when you fall asleep!" Louis joked. Funny how he was the 'Man' then he would show his true 'Rainbow' self.

"But I get sleepy to easy!" She defended. Zayn raised his eyebrows.

"Has this child never had Redbull?" He smirked.

"ZAYN DON'T DO IT!" I shouted.

"Red what?" Darcy asked confused. Niall popped one open. I shot him death stares.

"Niall Horan don't you dare." I sternly demanded. He pouted.

"Just a sip?!" He whined.

"Oh this should be good" Louis added. Darcy took hold of the can.

"She's not gonna like it anyways" Liam stated. Darcy held the can to her mouth. It was silent as she slurped. She looked up. Her eyes wide. I face palmed myself. Niall and Zayn laughed their asses off. Liam stood there, his mouth hung open. Louis tried not to laugh.

"WHY DIDN'T MOMMY GIVE ME THIS!" She shouted drinking more. They all laughed except Liam and I, but Liam was trying hard not to.

"Alright we're done here. She's gonna be up all night" I said grabbing the can from her tiny hands. She started bouncing up and down.

"And jumping around until I see the sun" She smirked. I laughed at how she stated my lyrics. Niall picked her up and sat her down on the couch. She swirmed out.

"No I wanna play! I wanna play play play!" She smiled running in circles. Oh god, what have I done to my child!?

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