Chapter 13

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"Can we go home, I'm tired." I told them. They were still speechless in the airport, even Simon. They didn't seem to budge, not even a little. I swiveled on my heels and started to walk through the airport. My mum finally reacted and followed me, along with Gemma. Soon I had a pack of the whole one direction crew. Simon, the boys, the paps, the fans, all of them. I held Darcy in my arms, she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful and Innocent. Just like her mum. NO HARRY STOP KILLING YOURSELF WITH THE MEMORIES! I pushed the thought away again as the boys and I entered a van, with Simon ad security.

"So what do you mean we're not breaking up. What about Darcy?" Liam asked. I stroked my sleeping daughter's hair.

"Well, I was in the airport, when I saw an old friend, or family member I guess." I whispered the last bit.

"Who'd you see?" Niall asked.

"Lizzie. Marie's older sister, Darcy's aunt."

"No way! How?" Louis asked

"I'f I knew I'd tell you, but she told me some important information that Simon here... Overlooked." I said with a smile rolling my head towards Simon. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"And why would that be?" He asked crossing his arms.

'I'll tell you when my mum and Gemma are with us In someplace private." I grinned. Louis groaned, I guessed the suspense was killing him.

~1 Hour Later Back At The Offices~

"So you're telling us, we just need a babysitter to watch our Darcy?" Louis asked

"Our? We? Louis Darcy's is my kid, who says I'm sharing?" I grinned. he rolled his eyes at me

"Seriously is that all we have to do though?" Zayn asked. I looked to Simon, he was looking on his computer shaking his head.

"Harry's right. But where are we going to get a sitter for Darcy when we have to continue tour in 2 days?" Simon asked. The boy's eyes we're on me.

"Hire one!" I half shouted. Niall shrugged. Simon began dialing loads of numbers. my mum and I exchanged glances. Darcy was still asleep, but she was laying in my mum's lap. It was cute, photo worthy If you will.

"Alright boys, we have a bunch of ladies coming over for interviews tomorrow. Be ready!" He demanded. I smiled and nodded. With that, I took my daughter from my mum, carefully not waking her, and fled to the apartment Louis and I shared.


"I'm so glad you're home!" Louis shouted nearly tackling me as soon as I set Darcy down in my room. I laced my arms around his, I heard soft cries.

"Why are you crying Louis?"I asked

"It's not fun In this big old apartment all alone. I hadn't seen it in months too, that just makes it worse. Simon really is sorry he said that whole adoption thing too. I just wanted you to come home. Harry come home was trending all week. Did you see it? I started it once I realized you were gone and I- I was scared I was crying an I just felt so alone." Louis babled. I pulled him close to a side hug as he continued to cry into my shoulder.

"Louis, I'f I tell you something, will you get mad?" I asked the crying boy. He nodded his head.

"When I was away, I did something stupid to mask he pain." I told him. His eyes instantly widened.

"You didn't get another girl pregnant did you!?" He asked, he sounded terrified.

"God no! I just. I... I was depressed over Marie and you and the boys. And I was so scared about getting caught and taken back. I was afraid you would all hate me and I was-" I was cut off by something I least expected.

Louis Lips


Can you tell I ship Larry? No? Yes? Maybe? Good. I'f you don't ,don't worry about it everything works out in the end. I'f you do, enjoy! So just to keep you guessing, Imma add this for you to figure out, It'll be in the next few chapters

The ambulance pulled up in loaded ____ into the back. I couldn't help but cry. Niall's arms swarmed around me.

"___ is strong. They'll make it through this." He told me.

"Would you like to ride Mr. Styles?" The paramedics asked.

"Yes" I replied choking on my tears. Niall's embrace left me as I picked myself up and went into the ambulance.

"STEP ON IT THIS PATIENT CAN'T WAIT!" They shouted as they unraveled sterile needles and a breathing tube was shoved down ___ throat.

"Please don't die. Please stay with me" I sobbed stoking the back of ____ hand with my thumb. ___ couldn't die. Not now. It wasn't time

So that was a tidbit of the scence that will change to whole story. DUN DUN DUN! Lwwy bitches! bye my Styleroids! :)

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