Chapter 38 So... Em... Basically... Darcy is home.

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(Very Boring Chapter)

-Harry Point of View-

"So Mum, do you want to go on tour with Darcy, the boys and I?" Taylor asked Lizzie. She was currently snuggled into Zayn's chest. I know I should be angry towards him for secretly flirting and kissing her and all that crap, but who could? They were absolutely perfect together. She was happy with him and He was happy with her. I just hope they stay committed. We go back on tour tomorrow. I hope they stay together. I've seen Zayn heartbroken and I do not want to see Taylor heartbroken.

"Tay I don't even think the 2 of you can go." She sighed.

"WHAT?" Zayn, Taylor, and I said unison.

"1 Shh! Darcy is asleep." She whisper shouted motioning to the toddler sleeping on the couch. "And 2, I'm not going cause I'm pregnant. And you 2 can't go cause you won't be able to handle it." Lizzie explained.

"Mum come on. It's my boyfriend. If he can handle it so can I" Taylor said.

"Tay, Its actually really hard. You sure you want to see a bunch of girls flashing Zayn on stage? Begging for his attention? Sending you death threats and hate?" I asked.

"No... But haven't I already gotten death threats from your fan base?" She puled out her phone. "Yep see, go die, ugly bitch, slut. Oh this one's good! "Taylor is a slutty hoe who gives our precious Zayn blow jobs before bed. RT if you agree" Oh look! 383 retweets." She was hurting. Her eyes showed it. Ever since Zayn made them official, they talk nothing but trash. Her twitter account was even secret, but somehow they found her. And Zayn and I scold them the most for it.

"Aww baby. They don't mean that. They're just jealous of us." Zayn smiled. Taylor turned pink.

"No but being serious. I don't want you to go. What if... What if Micheal shows up." Lizzie hesitantly stated.

"Mum please don't say that around us. Zayn has the scar to prove he wants all of us to pay for leaving him. I don't want to think about it." Taylor said burring herself in Zayn's arms. Zayn pecked her temple.

"No Tay stay with your mum. She needs you. What happens if you miss the birth of your little brother or sister." Zayn persuaded.

"Well what about Darcy. If she's going, how are you gonna take care of her Harry?" Taylor asked me. I looked at my beautiful 4 year old on the couch.

"Lizzie, do you think it'd be best if Darcy were to stay with you?" I asked. We all exchanged glances with the sleeping toddler.

"Maybe. I mean It may not be for the depression. We'll have to ask the pediatrician" She mumbled.

"So does that mean I'm not going?" Taylor asked sadly.

"Yes. You can't go. Darcy won't be able to pull me off the floor with this little one weighing me down." Lizzie smiled rubbing her now slightly noticeable baby bump.

"You are lucky I love you mum. Or I would be breaking things." Taylor giggled. Zayn grinned and poked her side. "Zayn stop it!" She giggled again. Lizzie rolled her eyes and went to the fridge.

"So Harry, what was the deal with the Tattoo?" Lizzie asked me.

"Oh I got it with Louis." I smiled rubbing my inked skin.

"Louis? How are you and 'Louis'" Taylor smiled making air quotes around his name.

"To be honest? Not a clue Tay" I sighed.

"Has he kissed you?"

"TAYLOR MAY!" Lizzie threatened.

"Elizabeth Marie!" Taylor mocked. My heart dropped a little. "Well, has he?" she asked

"Maybe... A little." Zayn smirked.

"What would be a little mate? Snogging?" He chuckled.


"Harold!?" He said in his 'Vas Happenin' voice. I grinned and smiled at my feet.

"We don't snog..." I mumbled.

"Do you want Louis back?" Lizzie asked returning her place next to me.

"Does it matter, I mean. Its not like we have feelings for each other anymore."

"Said the curly haired blushing boy" Zayn joked. My hands flew to my cheeks.

"Even If we did, we wouldn't be able to show anyone our affection." I stated. I saw Darcy stir on the couch. She yawned and opened her bright blue-green eyes. she groaned.

"Hey babe." Taylor smiled at her. Darcy rolled off the couch, and plopped herself into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and placed my chin on her shoulder. Darcy ran her tiny fingers over her name on my wrist. She narrowed her eyes at the faded marks underneath. And the bumpy ridges that were still noticeable. She turned her body and rest her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sleepy." She mumbled into clavicle. I nodded.

"Well I'm gonna bring sleepy here, home. Goodnight guys." I said lifting her up. I bid farewell to the 3 and went home.


After getting Darcy finished with a bath and putting her in pyjamas, she was infinitely yawning. I put her in the spare room, which was now decorated with her drawings to look like her's. I sat on the side of the bed as she squeezed her bear and watched me cautiously.

"How long will you be gone daddy?" She asked.

"A long time babe. Why?" I asked pulling her over in blankets

"I heard you." She mumbled

"Oh. Darcy, I know you're little but I want you to listen okay?" She nodded. "Sometimes, I won't be here. And sometimes you will be here without me. And sometimes I won't see you for a long time. And sometimes you will see me on T.V sometimes on the computer. But when I come back, I'll love you just as much okay?" I felt a tear flow down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "Im gonna miss you Dee. I'm gonna miss you so much." I said. She leaned up and gave me a hug.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Love you too. Get some sleep okay. Tomorrows gonna be a long day" I smiled pecking her head. I got up and turned out the lights. I walked out and shut the door only to be greeted by one person on the couch.


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