Chapter 4

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Through the mass of pine trees, the setting sun bled through the sky in shades of pink and orange.

The cool breeze twisted itself through the trees, caressing my arms as it made it's way past.

I closed my eyes, savoring the serene moment, as it was one of the few times that I felt at peace.

That was until my tranquility was interrupted by the sounds of the five drunken, idiotic teenagers stumbling around our makeshift campsite.

I snapped my eyes open, glancing over to where the group was loudly singing along to a random song, dancing carelessly along to their terrible rhythm.

I prayed for their sake that they didn't remember any of this in the morning.

Deciding that i couldn't stand their obnoxious partying any longer, I stand up from my position on the blanket by the fire, making my way over to Tasha, who seemed to be the most sober of the bunch.

Tapping her on the shoulder, I muttered, "I'm gonna go on a walk."

I turned to walk away as Tasha yelled over enthusiastically, "Ok, have fun babe!" and continued on with her uncoordinated dance moves, positioned much to close to Max for my comfort.

I wrinkled my nose at the sight, and turned around to make my way along the faint trail that led into the woods.

I kept walking, focusing on keeping my footing as I wandered through the debris on the forest floor in the dim light of the melting sun.

Too lost in my thoughts, I had just began to notice the ungracefully sound of stumbling steps coming from behind me.

Curious, yet slightly spooked by the strange noise, I hid behind a massive pine tree, ignoring the discomfort of the sap as it stuck to my hands as I pressed directly against it in an effort to conceal myself.

Waiting awhile longer, a tall figure emerged from the trees, heading down the same pathway that I had been following.

The figure stopped, spinning around as if it lost its way.

"Damn," it muttered to itself, "Where'd she go?"

I recognized the voice immediately, and rolled my eyes as I stepped out from my hiding place.

"Garrett," I spoke icily, stepping out in front of his drunken gaze, "Why are you following me?"

The idiotic boy simply grinned, his fawn hair falling slightly in front of his hazy brown gaze.

"Well, I figured you might need some company," he announced, as if he had come up with the most brilliant plan of finding a way into my pants. It seemed to be a lifelong goal of his to try and seduce me, and to his annoyance, he has yet to succeed.

I rolled my eyes once again at his drunken behavior, taking note of the beer in his hand that had likely been the most recent of many.

"Let's get you back to the campsite," I sighed, upset that my peace had yet again been disturbed.

"No," he groaned, drawing out his words, "Why don't we just hang out here for a little bit?"

I raised an eyebrow as I stared at his attempt at a seductive smirk, which may have been more effective if he wasn't so drunk that he could barely focus his eyes.

"No, Garrett," I growled, tired of his never ending flirting that did nothing but make me hate him more.

"Come on," he nearly begged, walking towards me.

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