Chapter 19

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I can't believe that this book has grown so much!

Also, school started last week and I'm not loving it :(

not edited

Watch- Billie Eilish


We made our way out through the woods and up to the front porch of August's large house.

As we made it to the porch, I noticed the hulking silhouette of a man seated on the steps.

His head perked up as we neared him, his wavy blonde hair falling slightly into his face.

The closer we got to the mysterious man, the more I began to take in his features. His deep brown eyes held a hardness, but there seemed to be warmth underneath, and his honey-blonde hair made his skin appear sun kissed and tan.

"Ooo, it looks like Marcus was the one assigned to guard us during our shopping spree!" Tara whisper-yelled, hooking her arm through mine.

"Marcus?" I whispered back, wondering who the mysterious stranger was.

"Yeah, he's one of our best pack warriors," Tara stared, "Not to mention how hot he is!"

"Shouldn't you wait to be saying that about your mate?" I teased jokingly, nudging her shoulder.

Tara simply rolled her eyes, giving a small giggle.

"Just because I'm not his mate, doesn't mean I can't admire his looks."

I laughed at her response as she sauntered quickly over to where Marcus was now standing.

"Marcus!" She yelled excitedly, "Aren't you lucky? You get to come shopping with us!"

"Hi Tara," Marcus smiled, nodding politely at her.

After acknowledging the overenthusiastic Tara, his humored smile disappeared as he faced me. His chocolate eyes became more serious as they locked with mine.

"It's an honor to meet you, Luna," Marcus spoke, bowing his head slightly in my direction.

I smiled at his politeness, but the formality of the introduction was not something I was used to, and it made me a little uncomfortable to be spoken to as if I was such an important person.

I shook off the feeling, realizing that this was simply how werewolves were expected to act in front of those of higher rank than them. But I didn't feel as if I was any more important.

"Please," I smiled softly, "You don't have to be formal with me. Just call me Heaven."

Marcus tilted his head to the side, his golden hair falling slightly over his face.

His brown eyes scanned over my face curiously, as if trying to understand the inner workings of my mind.

"Of course... Heaven." He spoke my name unsurely after a hesitant pause.

"Great!" Tara spoke up, "Now that that's out of the way, let's get going!"

We made our way over to a small, sleek, expensive-looking car parked alongside the driveway.

Marcus followed Tara and I, opening the passenger side door for me, and the backseat door for Tara.

After we both slid into our seats, mumbling our thanks to him, he made his way over to the driver's side, sitting down elegantly in his seat.

The ride to the mall was long, considering the withdrawn location of the pack land, which sat quite far away from most human civilization.

Although Marcus remained in silence for most of the ride, it was never awkward, considering Tara's uncontrollable talking habits. Her mindless babbling filled up the quiet moments that Marcus and I had both failed to fill.

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