Chapter 20

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This chapter's dedicated to @BlueRose_712
Thank you so much for the new cover!!

Another Summer Night Without You- Alexander 23


The sky was blue today.

The sun was shining, and a light breeze blew across the porch, ruffling my hair.

Of course, most people would be overjoyed by the warm summer weather.

I was not one of those people.

I dropped my notebook from my lap onto the ground, frustrated by my lack of inspiration.

I stared for a while longer at the endless azure of the sky, trying anything I could to find something to write about; but to no avail.

I snatched my notebook from its spot on the ground, making my way into the house.

I had spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing.

And it was driving me crazy.

I had hoped that I could at least get some writing done, but it seemed as if even my brain was too lazy to work today.

And now that it was nearing evening, I had accomplished nearly nothing.

Once I was back into the house, I went up the stairs to my room, finally deciding that if I couldn't get any writing done, I might as well get a nap in.

Nearing the top of the stairs, I heard August's voice drift from the hallway, along with Antonio's.

His voice sounded angry again, and I wondered if it was anything related to his discussion with Antonio that occurred just two nights ago.

I approached them slowly, careful not not make a sound, as I reminded myself of their superhuman senses.

"I don't care, Antonio!" He shouted, a growl lacing his voice, "We can't let him get any closer."

Hearing a similar conversation from a few nights ago, I began to get annoyed at being left out of the loop.

"I know, Alpha," Antonio replied in his much calmer voice.

I was tired of sneaking around, eavesdropping on August's conversations just to get any information that I could.

I wanted to know more about this huge threat that seemed to be looming over the pact, especially if it could potentially harm August, or any of my newfound friends.

Building up my nerve, I stepped out from behind the wall that I was hiding behind.

"Who's this guy that you guys keep mentioning?" I asked, making my voice as forceful as I could.

"Heaven!" August yelled, surprised by my sudden appearance, "How much of that did you hear?"

He seemed to be flustered by my question, which made me want an answer even more.

"Don't try to avoid my question, August," I responded.

I've heard mention of this mysterious man that they hated so much, and it was getting on my nerves that August kept refusing to tell me about it.

I was too distracted by August to notice Antonio slip awkwardly down the hall, leaving us alone.

"It's nothing, Heaven," August responded dismissively, turning away from me, "It's not for you to worry about."

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