Chapter 6

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I froze in place, unable to move from my crouched position on the floor.

I could tell that the man towering over me was undeniably handsome, with a chiseled face, high cheekbones, and silky, slightly curled, dark hair that fell haphazardly across his forehead. But even through all of his godlike features, I couldn't help but to stare at his eyes.

The golden irises stared back at me, and his eyes widened slightly.

My breathing hitched, and a strange feeling began to spread throughout my chest, pressing down on me like an invisible weight.

Antonio, the other man that was crouched before me noticed the strange staring contest that the other man and I seemed to be locked into. He glanced back and forth between the two of us, but even his questioning gaze could not draw me away from the mysterious stranger.

Antonio seemed to come to a revelation after seeing the other man's reaction, and his eyes grew large, his mouth opening in shock.

"Oh, shit," he muttered out, his words finally effective in yanking my gaze away from the golden-eyed man.

I shook my head quickly, trying to rid myself of the strange foggy feeling that had come over me.

My common sense flooded back to me, and I staggered quickly to my feet. The faint pounding in my head came back in full force at the sudden movement, causing me to stumble ungracefully, leaning my hand onto the nearest wall for support.

Antonio rose up after me, a shocked look on his face as he continued to read the expression of the other man.

"If you don't mind me asking," I spoke, ignoring the painful echos of my voice that sounded throughout my head. And at the sound of my voice, I could've sworn that the honey-eyed man's eyes became wider. "But where exactly am I?"

Antonio looked over to the other man, obviously indicating for him to explain the odd situation, but it seemed as if words would not leave his mouth.

His eyes were still on me, and butterflies began to flutter in my stomach at the intensity of his gaze.

Antonio sighed, turning back towards me.

"I'm sorry," he started out, "This must all be so confusing for you."

He paused, and I nodded for him to continue.

"We live in this house, which is close to where you and your friends were camping, and I was on a walk when I saw you laying on the ground. I had no idea if your friends would be able to help you in the state that they were in, so I decided to bring you here."

I nodded once at him; his story had made sense.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed the other man had come closer to me, nearly shoving Antonio out of the way.

Antonio has noticed too, and began to back towards the door.

"Well, I see that I'm not needed at the moment," he said, awkwardly wringing his hands, before stepping back into the hallway.

As his steps faded into the distance, I turned to face the gorgeous man. He truly was my definition of perfection; each feature was flawless and sculpted.

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