Chapter 14

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Just letting you guys know that ily so much :)

Jet Lag- Gavin Haley


The walk back to the house was bathed in awkward silence, only broken by the sound of our footsteps.

Once we had made it to the front porch, we both sat down, and August made sure to keep a distance from me.

We sat in an extremely uncomfortable silence, the unsureness and questions lying thick in the air.

Neither of us were willing to begin the conversation that we both knew had to happen.

I knew that it was childish thinking, but I was desperately hoping that if I completely avoided the conversation, it would go away and everything would go back to the way it was before.

But it wouldn't, and I needed answers.

"So you're like, a real werewolf?" I blurted out, completely unsure of how to even begin talking in this situation.

"No," August drew out the word humorously, obviously trying the break the tension "I'm a fake werewolf."

I gave him my best death glare, to which wiped the smile right off his face ."Cut the sarcasm, August. I'm still freaking out a little here."

"Sorry," he responded, his face now completely serious, "I just don't really know how to handle this situation. I've never had a human find out about our secret before."

"Well, why am I the first?" I asked, curious, "Why would you let me live in your house, making it almost inevitable for your secret to be exposed?"

August shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes shifting to me, before darting back to the ground.

He seemed hesitant to answer my question, and I was becoming more interested as each moment passed.

"Because you're my mate."

"What the hell is a mate?" I questioned, even more confused, and getting irritable with the questions that kept piling up.

August shifted uncomfortably, seeming to find the words to explain.

"They're like the werewolf version of a soulmate," August spoke quietly. My eyes widened at his words as he continued to speak, "The first time a werewolf makes eye contact with their mate, they just know that they're the one for them."

"So... I-I'm your mate?" I ask, nervous for what this meant.

I'm his soulmate? Is that even a real thing?

"Yes," August nearly whispered, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"B-but that's not how it works," I stuttered, "You can't just lock eyes with someone and just know that you're soulmates."

August simply shrugged, a sad smile flitting across his perfect lips.

"I understand," he responded, his voice melancholy. "This isn't how it usually works for humans. It's built into your DNA that you get to choose your lovers. But that just isn't how it is for werewolves. We get one mate, the person perfectly designed for us."

"You don't get a say?" I question,horrified. "You don't get to choose who you love?"

He smiled at this; a true, genuine smile.

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