Chapter 18

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School's starting soon, so updates may be less frequent, but I'll still try my best to write as much as I can :)

Also, sorry for the late update. I've been camping and haven't had service for the past few days :(

Let You Love Me- Rita Ora


It's been two weeks since I've first shown up in the woods and was saved by Antonio, and since then, August and I've began to fall into a comfortable pattern.

August often leaves before I wake up in the morning to go do his Alpha duties around the pack.

Then, later in the day, August would come back and we would spend some time together before bed.

This morning, I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening.

"August?" I asked, sleep still hazing my mind.

"Guess again!" A feminine voice yelled.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked over to see Tara.

Of course, she was wearing yet another outrageous outfit consisting of a large rainbow-striped turtleneck sweater, a solid colored schoolgirl skirt, and a cute pair of purple heels.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" Tara shouted, snatching my blankets from around my body.

"I'm up," I groaned, surrendering to Tara's early morning enthusiasm.

I sat up in the bed, slowly crawling out of the warm comforter.

I made my way groggily over to my closet, which only held a few items that Tara had given me over the past two weeks.

"Actually," Tara said, dramatically swinging the bag she had on her shoulder, "I brought a super cute outfit for you."

I frowned, glancing over to the large black sweatshirt that I had planned on wearing.

"Why do I need to look good?" I complained.

"August figure it was probably time to take you on a tour of the territory," Tara explained, haphazardly pulling clothes out of her bag, "And you wanna make a good first impression if we run into any pack members."

"Oh," I responded unsurely.

Meeting pack members?

What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough to lead them beside August?

I shook my head, pushing the negative thoughts away.

"Here!" Tara announced, shoving a pile of clothes into my arms.

I took the crumpled garments, going into the conjoined bathroom.

Once the door was closed, I took a look at what she had given me to wear.

There was a thick cropped grey sweater with a turtle neck, and a plaid-patterned yellow and grey skirt that reached just above mid thigh.

I slipped on the outfit, admiring it in the mirror.

"Hurry up slowpoke!" Tara yelled from the other room.

Taking one last glance in the mirror, I made my way back into my bedroom.

"Ooo girl!" Tara exclaimed, as I gave a dramatic twirl, "August better watch out for those unmated wolves."

I laughed off her comment, making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, Tara in tow.

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