Chapter 7

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Leaving Heaven alone in that room was almost painful.

But she needed her rest, and I wasn't going to let my need to be near her get in the way of that.

I walked through the hall, my steps echoing along the hardwood floor.

Reaching the large door to my office, I swung the door open and stepped in.

"She's human." A voice said from the corner of the room.

Antonio emerged from the shadows, walking over to face me.

"Thank you for stating the obvious," sarcasm dripped from my tone.

I could feel myself beginning to pace, my anxiousness seeping through as I ran my hands through my hair.

She was human.

And so fragile.

"How does it feel?" Antonio asked, making sure to stay out of the way of my pacing, "Now that you've finally found her?"

I stopped moving for a moment, turning to face one of the only people that I could consider a friend.

"Terrifying." I whisper, my eyes unfocusing as I think back to the beautiful angel lying in the guest bedroom.

I waited so long, searching everywhere to find the other half of my soul, to the point where I had been discouraged enough to give up.

And I had finally found her.

She was so small, so delicate to the point that she looked like she would shatter if someone touched her. Yet when I looked into her eyes, I could see a fire in them. And I couldn't help but to think that her looks were deceiving.

Antonio nodded at my statement. "Well, what do we do now?"

I took a moment to think. Heaven was a human, who lived in the human world. No matter her previous statement where she said that no one would miss her, I couldn't bear the thought of ripping her away from everything she's ever known. And how would she handle the truth, that werewolves were real, and she was currently staying in a house full of them.

My usually stoic, emotionless face broke as I responded.

"I don't know."

✧ ✧ ✧


I couldn't fall asleep.

Sleep hadn't come easy to me for a few years now. I was used to it.

But right now, I had hoped that the pain in my head and exhaustion plaguing my body would wear me out, and possibly let me sleep peacefully for a few hours.

But it seemed like my mind had other plans.

I stare blankly at the white ceiling, begging my body to relax into the comfortable mattress.

But to no avail.

After quite a few more minutes of struggling, I untangle myself from the blankets ensnared around my legs, and place my feet on the floor.

As I sat up silently, a quiet sound began from outside. Raindrops began tapping along the roof of the house, sliding along the window in my room in a melancholy trail.

My lips turned up at the comforting patter, and I felt the compelling urge to be outside, witnessing yet another beautifully destructive storm.

I stepped across the room, and into the hallway, determined to find a way to get outside.

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