Chapter 17

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It's so cool that so many of you are continuing to read this book. <3

Test Drive- Joji


After several more chick flicks, which Heaven effortlessly convinced me to watch, it was well past midnight, and Heaven once again fell asleep against my shoulder.

Grabbing the remote, I quickly shut off the tv, which had currently been playing The Notebook.

I scooped Heaven bridal style into my arms, smiling as she snuggled closer to my chest.

She let out an adorable sigh, settling quietly into my arms.

I carried her up to her room, careful not to move around too much so as not to wake her up.

Laying her down gently under the covers, I tucked the blankets back around her.

I leaned down swiftly, placing a kiss softly onto her forehead.

Giving on last glance over my shoulder, I made my way out of her room and down the hall to mine.

I quickly took off my shirt and pants, changing into a pair of black joggers.

I then settled into my own bed, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get comfortable.

I need Heaven next to me.

But I knew that she wasn't ready. I had to keep reminding myself that she was human, and humans often have to go through a process of getting to know each other before going into a relationship.

So, I would respect her boundaries, and slowly get to know her at the pace that she wants.

But I'm not saying that it doesn't kill me to take it slow. This wasn't usually how werewolf mates acted. Often times, mates would've been marked and mated by this point.

But I'd be willing to do anything for Heaven, even if it meant holding back my instincts.

After a while longer of restlessly rolling around in my bed, unable to fall asleep, I nearly give up on sleeping altogether.

Just as I was about to get out of my bed, a quiet knock sounded from my door.

"Come in!" I call out lightly, curious as to who could be at my door at this time.

The door creaked open slowly, and the scent of lavender and fresh rain washed through my room.

"Heaven?" I asked, immediately sitting up straighter in my bed.

Her small frame stood in the doorway, playing awkwardly with the sleeves of her shirt.

"I'm sorry for waking you," she whispered quietly, "I can go back to my room if you want."

"No," I said, almost too excitedly, "You didn't wake me up. But what are you doing up, anyways?"

"I woke up and you weren't next to me anymore," she said, glancing shyly at the floor, trying to hide the faint blush that was beginning to spread across her freckles cheeks, "And I couldn't fall back asleep."

I could tell that she was embarrassed about coming to me. She didn't understand the rapid feelings that had been progressing since the day we first met each other.

But the mate bond was strong, and it was beginning to show even bigger effects on her.

I stood up, making my way over to my dresser, where I grabbed a large, long sleeved shirt out.

Walking back over to Heaven, I handed her the shirt.

"You can stay here if you'd like, but you might want to change into something more comfortable," I said, gesturing to the outfit that Heaven had been wearing all day.

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