Chapter 25

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Rewrite the Stars- James Arthur, Anne-Marie

Pretty long chapter, just because I love you guys <3


The rest of the day had passed quickly, with Tara dragging Heaven away almost immediately in order to find themselves dresses for the evening gathering.

With Heaven no longer in the house, I had no excuse to stay home.

The day was dreary, with low-hanging clouds and warm, humid air at a standstill.

Despite this, however, I had still decided to oversee the border patrol today.

It wasn't something I often did, as it was a long and painfully boring task. But perhaps my recalling of my revenge-driven brother had made me paranoid, so I had convinced myself that I couldn't simply sit around while he was still out there.

And that rash decision had consequently brought me to my current situation; standing in the middle of the damp forest, surrounded by several other pack members, all competing discretely to impress me.

I paid no mind to their dramatized 'tracking skills' or the way that they had tried so hard to keep up with my large strides as we trekked through the miserable woods.

I had also began to notice that a particular she-wolf- Maria, I believe was her name- was outdoing all of the others in her desperate attempt to gain my attention.

"Alpha!" She gasped out as she made her way up to me, out of breath from trying to keep up.

I didn't slow my pace in the slightest, simply turning my head minimally in her direction as she called me.

I didn't like being outwardly rude to my pack members (after all, they were like my family), but this specific she-wolf just knew how to test my patience.

Apparently, she had taken the small acknowledgment as an invitation to join me. I didn't feel the same.

The others watched with eyes widened in mild horror as Maria came up beside me, shocked that she would make such a bold move towards me.

I glanced emotionlessly down at her, my face blank and void. It seemed that Heaven was the only one able to unlock the softness in me.

"What would you like, Maria?" I questioned, keeping my voice monotone, adding in a hint of a threatening growl.

As her eyes lit up, I could see that she completely ignored my indirect threat, instead focusing on the fact that I had remembered her name.

I internally rolled my eyes at her shallowness.

"Well, Alpha," She spoke, trying to sound sweet, but instead succeeding in a high pitch, squeaking voice, "I was wondering what the purpose of the gathering tonight was for."

"You will find out tonight," I replied, speeding up my pace even more to try and leave her behind, but she simply began to walk faster.

She began to walk closer to me, nearly touching shoulders.

"I was wondering," She began, and it was now that I realized that she wasn't going to take the hint, "Is it for you to choose a Luna? I know that you haven't found your true mate yet, but you're probably getting antsy, and the pack will be needing an heir-"

I cut off her rambling with a loud growl, making her shrink back.

The other members of the patrol had paused, their bodies shaking at the sound of my obvious anger.

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