Chapter 9

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I'm going to start adding songs that go along with each chapter :)

Saturday Nights - Khalid


"Why don't you tell me more about yourself."

His words repeated themselves in my head, echoing hollowly.

I shrugged, refusing to meet his eyes.

"There isn't much to know," I answered awkwardly.

At least, nothing worth knowing about.

"I thoroughly don't believe that." August responded, sounding slightly exasperated. "How about this: You ask me a question, then I get to ask you a question. Then we'll keep taking turns."

I eyed him warily, contemplating his proposal.

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly.

No matter how much I wanted to keep my life story hidden, my burning curiosity to know more about the man in front of me outweighed my fears.

"You can ask first," he offered.

I nodded, beginning to think of a question.

"What's your favorite color?" I suddenly blurted out, unable to think of a more creative question.

He gave a small smile, looking me directly in my eyes. "Blue."

I shuffled uncomfortably beneath his gaze, painfully aware that his answer had been a direct reference to my eye color.

"What about you?" he asked, leaning slightly back in his chair.

"Well, it used to be grey," I answered, smiling fondly at the memory of the color of my beloved storm clouds, "But I think I'm starting to like gold a bit more."

I couldn't tell him the reason for the change in my favorite color, it would be much too embarrassing to reveal that the warm honey tone of his eyes could have put the most beautiful storm to shame.

Desperate to go to another topic, I decided to ask another question.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask.

August smiled.

"I have a younger sister, but I haven't seen her for a while, not since she met her m-" he suddenly stuttered, seemingly cutting himself off, "not since she met her boyfriend." he finished, looking slightly embarrassed by his small stutter.

I nodded at his answer, smiling at the thought of him acting like a protective older brother.

August seemed slightly lost in thought at the topic of his sister, spacing out with a gentle smile on his face.

"It's your turn to ask a question," I reminded him gently, my voice breaking him from his thoughts.

His golden eyes locked with mine, filled with an unexplainable emotion that I couldn't decipher. His gentle smile took my breath away, and for the millionth time since I've arrived here, I began wondering why I felt such a strong attraction to a man that was still practically a stranger to me.

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