Chapter 24

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July- Noah Cyrus

Hi my amazing readers!!
I'm so glad that you guys liked my story enough to read it this far.

So who do you envision my characters as? I wanna see how your choices compare to the people that I used as inspiration for them :)

That's all for now!!



I woke up to an empty spot beside me, the pillow indented and the blankets still warm.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly, clearing them of any cloudiness as I awoke.

Glancing drowsily around the room, I searched for any sign of August.

As my senses slowly began to reappear, I noticed the faint trickling sound of the shower running from the conjoined bathroom.

Resigning that August had decided on a shower, I crawled unsteadily out of bed, making my way over to the large walk-in closet.

Deciding to dress in something nicer than August's oversized t-shirts for once, I rummaged through all of the fashionable clothes that Tara had forced me to buy when we had went shopping.

I placed on a form-fitting plaid miniskirt, tucking a loose black turtle neck into it. I then slipped on a large grey denim jacket and pair of hoop earrings to complete the look.

Running my fingers quickly through my straight hair, I stole a quick glance into the full-length mirror, admiring how well I did at choosing an outfit.

Tara would be proud.

I offered my reflection a quick smile. It was strange; no more than three weeks prior, I had been looking into a dirty mirror, staring right back at a pair of broken, soulless eyes. Now, the eyes in my reflection beamed of something new, the deep midnight color sparkling with an emotion that I hadn't seen since before my dad had died.

I was abruptly pulled from my reminiscing by the sound of the closet door swinging open. I must have been too enthralled in my own thoughts to have heard the shower shutting off.

August strolled leisurely in, nothing but a white towel hanging lowly off of his hips keeping his decency.

He stopped in his tracks the moment he saw me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe, and back up again.

"Wow," August choked out, his eyes still taking me in, "You look...nice."

With his confidence-boosting comment, I strolled up to him, his intimidating height towering over my small body.

But this time, I was the one in control, and it was fun.

I placed my hand leisurely on August's bare chest, loving the look of the water still glistening off of his toned body.

I smiled sweetly, enjoying the nervous look in his eyes as he watched my every move.

I leaned forward on my toes, placing my spare hand on his head, twining my fingers into his hair that had just begun to form into soft curls.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I murmured lowly into August's ear, and pulled back to see the look on his face.

His eyes flickered momentarily to a brighter shade of amber, and I could tell that I was triggering the more animalistic instincts in him.

A low groan left his lips.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

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